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(Ali's POV)

The guys busted in and I freaked out. I jumped off of Pete and grabbed Brendon's hand and flashed out. We got back to the mansion and went to the dinning hall to get some blood. We both had 2 glasses then went back to our room. I said,

"Brendon when I saw the guys I freaked out. They looked at me with hate and I just couldn't take it. Is that wrong?"

"No babe it's not wrong. Just don't think about it on?"

"Ok you always know how to help. I love you so much. One day I'll hunt Pete down and kill him for making me feel weak."

"And I'll help you baby. Lets just get some sleep ok and we'll talk about it in the morning."

"Ok night Brenny."

"Night Al."

We fell asleep right after we had that talk. I cuddled up to Brendon and never felt so safe.

When I woke up Brendon was humming a song that I wrote for Panic! He must've known I was awake because he stopped. I looked at him and he looked back. He said,

"Morning beautiful. How are you this morning?"

Good morning and fine thank you. Come on I'm starving."

We got up and got dressed. Then we went to go get breakfast. William was there and he said,

"Ali Brendon me and some other guys are going out to hunt. Would you like to go?"

"Yes I would. It would give me time to hunt for Pete."

"Great well we are leaving in a few minutes so go get ready."

"Ok see you in a few."

Brendon grabs my hand and pulls me to our room. When I walk in my phone starts going off. I pick it up and answer it.

"Hello who is this?"

"Hi this is Pete Wentz the guy that you ruined. I want to meet up."

"Ok where and bring no one with you. I can tell if you do and it won't end to well."

"At my house come when you want."

"Ok see you there."

"See you"

With that he ended the call. I went over to Brendon and told him. He said,

"Ali I'm going with you. I'll just hide ok?"

"Ok well we better go."


With that we left for Pete's.

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