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The guys run to me and pull me into a big hug. I stiffen but Beth gives me a look that says 'hug back'. I did, it sorta felt normal, like I was missing something but I didn't know what. They put me down and said,

"Ali where were you? Pete freakin out and Bronx can't sleep knowing that you are in trouble."

I faked caring and said,

"Oh my god. I feel so bad. I was at my cousin's place and forgot to tell you. Do you forgive me?"

"Yeah we do but you need to call Pete and tell him."


I picked up my phone and dialed Pete's number. He answered on the first ring. He said,

"Ali oh my god I was so worried about you. Bronx couldn't sleep and the rest of the guys were freaking out."

"I'm so sorry Pete. I didn't mean to put you in so much stress. Can you put Bronx on the phone?"

"Yeah sure." He put his hand on the phone and called,"Bronx come here mommy is on the phone."

I heard running and Pete catching someone. Then who I presume is Bronx says,

"Mommy is that you?"

"Yeah baby it's me. I'm sorry that I scared you. Please forgive me."

"Oh mommy I forgive you. Please just don't do that to me again. Promise?"

"Yes baby. I promise. I love you so much."

"I love you too mommy. I can't wait to see you in a week."

"I can't wait ether. Well sweetie can you put daddy back on the phone? I'll talk to you later. Bye baby."

"Bye mommy." Then he said to Pete,"Daddy here's mommy."

Pete said,"Ok. Hey baby. Where were you? I got a call from Brendon saying you weren't on the tour bus. I started to freak out."

Oh I'm sorry baby I should of told them so you wouldn't of freaked out. I was at my cousin's place. Well I'll talk to you later."

"Ok well bye I'll see you soon. Remember it's Bronx's birthday in a week and we are flying to where you are on tour m. We'll talk to you later love you bye."

"Love you too bye."

I ended the call and mentally winced. The guys then led me backstage saying,

"We got soundcheck in 5 so get ready."

"Ok Beth come on."

We head to my dressing room and I get ready. I complain to Beth,

"Oh my god they act like they really care for me. Bronx I think actually loves me and that dream was just a dream."

"Yeah Al, I think Bronx actually likes you too. Maybe you can keep him and Courtney can take the rest of the guys ok?"

"Yeah but you should talk to Courtney about it first though."

"Yeah give me a minute I'll be right back."

She left and I was all alone. I finished getting ready when Beth walked back in with a smile on her face. She said,

"Courtney said you can keep Bronx and be a mother to him."

"Yeah ok lets go. The guys are waiting."

(1 week later)

I'm so happy and mad. I'm happy because I get to see my son and mad because I have to see Pete. I heard the bus door open and someone ran in. Bronx ran up to me Nd tackled me to the ground. Pete walked in and gave me a hug and kiss. Again I mentally wince. Bronx said,

"Mommy, mommy, mommy guess what?"


"I'm three now."

"That's awesome baby. Can you give me and daddy some alone time. It will only take a couple minutes."

With that Bronx ran out of the room. Leaving me and Pete alone. He said,

"Ali I've missed you so much."

"Cut the crap Pete. I know you hate me. Don't try to deny it because Courtney told me all about it."

"What Ali? What are you talking about? Who is this Courtney?"

"I said I know you hate me. You use to abuse me and I'm done with it. Courtney saved me from you. Also Courtney is my best friend now."

"Ali I don't hate you. I love you and I have NEVER abused you. Who is Courtney? What is her full name?"

"Yes you do and her whole name is Courtney Love."

"Courtney Love. God no I thought she was in jail. Listen to me Courtney brained washed you. You have to fight against it."

"What no she didn't."

That was when I passed out.

Don't Forget to Remember MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora