Autumn Leaves

283 22 11

[Taylor's pov]

It is the first day of October. The whole city of London giving the fall vibes; caramel lattes, red scarves, autumn leaves, cinnamon cookies, Halloween and everything. I personally adore this season. The weather is neutral; not too cold and not too hot. It makes the wardrobe more flexible and is also the time when our firm has the most profit.

I work at a fashion marketing agency. Different brand reach to us for an enhanced and better marketing for their products. I love my job very much because of the logical and creative skills this job requires.

Today I have a very important meeting with the head of the branch I go to. I hope this means something good for me. Roselina, or as we call her, Rosie, is going to retire soon and someone will have to take over the job of regional manager. I am the personal assistant of Rosie, so there are high chances that I am going to get a huge promotion soon.

I park my car in the parking of the building. I grab the two coffee cups and get out of the car with my purse in my hands. I lock the car and enter the building, giving a polite smile to the guard. I give him one of the coffee cups I was holding and the old man said, "Bless you child"

My dad has always taught me to be kind. He believed that if you are kind towards people, the universe will reward you in some way. Because of which, I give the old guard a cup of coffee from my regular coffee shop every Wednesday and receive his blessings in return

I go to the elevator and it takes me to the eighth floor. Before going out, I take three deep breaths and get out of the elevator and into the office. I meet my friend Selena standing near the reception. I greet her with a hug.

"Hey Sel!" I say cheerfully.

"Hi Tay"

"I am really nervous about the meeting"

"When is it?" She asks as I mark my attendance in the computer on the counter.

"Now. Gotta go" I say in a hurry and rush to Rosie's office.

I knock on the door and wait for her to reply. "Come in" I hear a muffled sound and open the door. I see Rosie sitting formally on the chair with the great posture she has and a firm look on her face.

I walk toward her slowly and she gestures me to take a seat in front of her. "Good morning" I try to be confident but my nervousness is too visible on my face.

"Morning Taylor. Did you complete the presentation for today's meeting?" She asks, keeping her hands on the table and formally leaning forward.

"Just the final touch up is left. But why did you call this meeting if I may ask?" I keep bouncing my left leg, something I cannot resist to do under stress.

She clears her throat and answers, "So Taylor, you are the first one to know this. I am going to retire the next month and this post of the regional manager would be empty. I was asked to decide who would fill this position after I am done. And I gave them your name"

My lips stretch into a smile as I stop bouncing my leg. "Really? Thank you"

"Yes. Taylor, you have been an asset to this firm and I have watched you grow into this responsible employee and it is commendable. I have seen your progress and I am happy to leave this branch in better hands"

"So, you are saying that I will basically be the boss of the main branch of this firm? I am thrilled for this new adventure" I say, trying to suppress my urge to clap my hands and just dance around.

"I am glad. This information is not to be disclosed to anyone yet. I will be announcing my retirement when the board allows me to"

"Okay. I will keep that in mind. Thank you"

I'm losing usTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon