False God

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Joe's pov

I feel someone's hand stroking my head and a sweet voice calling out my name. I open my eyes and realize it is Taylor. I squint my eyes and get up from the extremely uncomfortable position I was lying in.

"What time is it?" I ask, looking around.

"Not very late. But you tried to stay up for me?" She kisses my forehead and I can smell the beer from her mouth already.

"Erm, I just thought maybe I could watch a movie till you were back?" I say.

Then it hit me. She was out with Gerald. I can feel my blood warm up somewhat and I look at her. I clench my jaw and with a stern expression, I say, "You were out with Matty?"

Without caring much, she nods, "Yes"

"Taylor, LOOK AT ME"

She annoyingly looks at me as if I said something wrong.

"You were out with a guy who you just met today and you did not even fucking care to inform me?" I fume at her.

She rolls her eyes and replies, "So what? He is just a colleague. Calm down, gosh"

"What calm down? You know how unsafe it is out there Tay, don't you?"

"I know. What is the problem, Joe?" She finally asks me, sounding very annoyed.

I sigh and say with the calmest tone I got, "Taylor, hear me out. It is fine that you went out with your boss today evening. I trust you and I don't care if you hang out with some guy. But why the fuck couldn't you call me? You could've just informed me that instead of working in the office, you were out having drinks with your boss and that is why you would be late?"

"So you are implying that I am cheating on you? That I am using my work as an alibi? Do you realize what you're saying, Joe?" I can see that she is very angry at me now. Her tone, the way her face is flushed, suggests this.

"I never said you are cheating on me. But why couldn't you just give me a call?"

"Oh don't you talk about calls right now. You couldn't even message me to check on me that why I was late. And you think calling you late was ignorant?" She shouts back at me, as we both stand up now.

"Oh dear Lord. Just because I did not message you don't mean I wasn't worried about you. You have something called a moral responsibility, right?"

"Oh, moral responsibility? Come on now. As a boyfriend, messaging me to check up on me is included in this moral responsibility shit"

Before I opened my mouth, she nods her head in disappointment and moves past me. I turn around to see her silently move into our room. After waiting for ten minutes, I sigh, grab my pillow and go into our room too.

I see her sitting on the bed with her nightdress and a makeup-free face. She looks at me with a death stare and I stare back, as if her looks could kill me right away. We both are still angry at each other and there is only one thing I can think of to resolve this.

I make my way toward her side of the bed and sit in front of her. Without any other words, I hold her cheek with one hand and crash her lips with mine. We both close our eyes in pleasure. I can feel our tempers melting down in this kiss.

I am not jealous of Matty. Not in the slightest. I just want her to be safe. I have never met Gerald and it is difficult to trust anyone these days. I would have had no problem if she was hanging out with him during the day. But if it was so late at night, she could've just informed me. Is my anger not justified for being a boyfriend who just wants his girlfriend to be safe?

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