jealousy jealousy

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Taylor's pov

I put on my earrings, standing in front of the mirror while Joe combs his hair. "Are you ready?" He asks me as I turn around to see him.

"You're pretty excited to go to this party, huh?" I tease him and apply my lipstick.

He shrugs and passes a faint smile. "Kind of. I mean this could be fun"

"Yes. I hope you enjoy yourself" I say and peck his cheek.

We both go downstairs and into the car. Since I do not know the address, I let Joe drive today. On our way, we buy a bouquet for the host, Emma.

In fifteen minutes, we stop outside a cute little house with a lawn in front of it. He parks the car and both of us get out. Carrying the bouquet, both of us walk hand in hand toward the door of the house. We press the bell button.

After a while, the door opens and an average heighted woman with a big smile welcomes us. The blue A-line dress she is wearing is just what a regular 25 year old woman would wear these days.

"Good evening. You must be Taylor?" She speaks, her brunette hair falling over her shoulders.

I smile and nod. "Yes, I am. And you must be Emma?" I ask and she replies with a nod. I hand her the bouquet and greet her with a handshake.

Emma then looks at Joe, who has a big grin on his face. They both gave each other a friendly hug and the three of us moved inside the house.

I can smell the smell some mild alcohol and the whole house is giving a party vibe. Emma leads us to some other people at the party and excuses herself to attend the other guests.

A group of people notice Joe and call him to come near them. He drags me with him and takes me there.

"Hi guys" Joe exclaims and gives each one a hug. He then looks at me and says, "So, this is Taylor, my one and only lovely girlfriend"

It is funny how he is introducing me as if they don't know me already. A sudden blush rises to my cheek and I gently greet everyone. They all were the teachers of the school he was teaching in. They are all very friendly and welcoming.

They all get lost in their conversation and I feel left out somewhat. I look around and feel thirsty. Finding the table with the drinks, I go there.

While I am pouring myself a drink, Emma comes up to me and starts talking.

"So, Taylor. It is so nice to meet you"

"Oh, you too, Emma. Tell me, how is Joe in school?" I glance a look at him as he is laughing whole-heartedly.

"Oh, he is really good. The students tend to like him very much. Like that day, I went casually to the physics lab and sat there while he was teaching a viscosity experiment. I could see how he was commanding, but gentle with the students"

"He really loves his job. He originally desired to become a professor, but that couldn't happen. But he's happy here... But what about you? You have achieved so much just at the age of 25. That is so inspiring" I take a sip from my glass while she pours herself a drink.

"Well... thank you. Also, I heard Joe's dad passed away? It must be such a hard time for you both" She comments with some sought of Taypathy in her eyes which makes me wonder if she has gone through something similar.

I simply smile and reply, "Yes. But mostly on Joe. He just needs to be around good and positive people right now"

"I mean last week, I had just broken up with my boyfriend and I was pretty devastated because of it. So he casually asked me what happened and I don't know how, he made me feel comfortable and I vented everything to him. I wish I knew what he was going through then"

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