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[Tay's pov]

I am sitting in my office. Yes, my office. I just shifted my stuff yesterday with the help of Joe. I am waiting for Matty to arrive here and then he will be mentoring me for leadership and stuff.

Today is a new month, new day and a new beginning. I am really excited to see Matty again. I still remember the last time I saw him. Dark hair, those emerald eyes and everything about his personality was so vintage.

While I was in my thoughts, I hear the landline ringing and I pick it up. "This is Taylor Swift from-"

"Matty Healy is here to see you" The receptionist of our office speaks in a discreet manner and I say okay.

I can feel my body heat up as if I am a child who is going to go out for ice cream. This is going to be like an adventure for me and I am elated to experience this.

I hear a knock at my door and I lift my eyes up to see Matty standing there.

In two years, he hasn't changed at all. Everything about him as just as it was two years ago. I get up as he is approaching toward me. I move my hand forward for a handshake and say, "Hello, Mr..." Gosh, I am not even sure what I am going to call him.

"Lesson number one; when you are at work, never address to someone informally. You must learn to differentiate your private and work life"

"So I should call you...?" I trail of, asking him how I should address him. Why couldn't he answer directly?

He passes a smile at me and says, "Sir. But when outside work, call me Matty"

"Okay, sir. Thank you for giving me your precious time" I formally say and gesture him to take the seat.

I offer him some water and observe him as he looks around. He is just my age and the way he has maintained himself, not to mention being the CEO already is astonishing sometimes.

"So Ms. Swift, do you have your schedule ready?" Matty asks me as he leaned backwards on his chair.

"Yes. I have my schedule ready"

"Have you assigned all your employees the tasks they have to complete today?"

"No. Sorry, this is just the first day. I still need a day or so to settle in" I shake my head in embarrassment and look down.

He sighs and replies in a stern tone, "The office doesn't have a day or so. It cannot wait for you. You have to be quick"

"I apologize for this. I will be better at this the next day" I have to be weirdly formal with Matty and it is very weird to me as Rosie never ever expected this much formality from me. She was very chill.

"It is okay. Now, I have heard that we have an important meeting with Gucci?"

I take out the huge binder kept beneath the papers and show it to him. "Yes we have to discuss about the advertising campaign today"

He goes through the binder. With the eyes still on the binder, he asks, "And who is handling this?"

"Candace. She is a very talented employee here" Candy, my best friend.

I cannot let Matty know that me and Candace are very good friends otherwise he will think I am being biased at taking the decisions which involve her. I do not want my position to affect our friendship at any cost.

"Okay. I cannot wait to see how you handle this position Taylor. Do not disappoint me" He says to me with such an assurance in his voice which makes me so determined to be good at my job. Maybe that is why he is where he is and I am where I am now.

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