Chap 13 - Results of Day 1

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  As I came home, I collapsed on the couch due to my exhaustion from work today. Rafael was in the kitchen making some tacos with plantains; One of my favorite combinations.

   "Here baby, you should really eat something; You look very exhausted and stressed. He said ask he brought my food over and put it on my coffee table." Thanks baby, you know how to make to cheer me up" I said taking a bite of my taco.

  "So, did the guy you fuck tody.... Did he satisfy you?" He asked me. "He didnt fuck me as good as you do, and no he didnt satisfy me like you do" I said finishing my taco and plantains.

  "I'm going to go to bed now, goodnight baby" I said walking up the stairs.

  I was not the the mood for anything at all. As I was getting ready for bed, I felt the demons presence come over me. "Tell me everything that happened" She said sitting down by the tub. "We fucked in the break room, he didnt satisfy me, end of story" I said tying up my hair.

  "Well, you didn't get pregnant, that's what I can tell you" She said whispering that into my ear. "Thank god, I was so scared I was though" I said jumping out of my chair. "Well you're not, and tbh; He wasn't all that good, but the person tomorrow will be" She said about to leave.

   "Well wait, who is it?" I asked out of curiosity. "Ohh you'll find out" She said leaving the bathroom. I turned off the light and went to bed, hoping I could dream about something other than that.

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