Chapter: 1 (Good and Bad Surprised)

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"Hello. Heavenly Lion Convenience," Alex Ambrose answered the store phone.

"I need a box of condoms and two packs of tissues delivered to room 1302 of the Sheraton South River Hotel. Hurry!" The caller hung up.

Alex shook his head. People never seemed to be prepared.

He packed the required items, put on a raincoat, and rode his electric bike toward the Sheraton Hotel on the southern side of the river.

It was nine o'clock in the evening and raining heavily, and his pants and shoes were soon wet and filthy. Luckily, the merchandise was still dry, but he didn't dare delay any longer, so he hurried toward the hotel.

When he arrived at room 1302, he knocked on the door, and it was opened quickly.

"Hello, here's your—" Alex was stunned into silence.

The woman in front of him was none other than his girlfriend, Cathy!She was dressed in a white robe, with her long, dark, wet hair draped over her shoulders. The scents of shower gel and shampoo assaulted his nose.

"Cathy? What are you doing here?" He stared at her in disbelief, still feeling dazed.

"What are you doing here?" Cathy asked. Her heart skipped a beat, and she took a small step back into the room. Her mind went blank and then started to spin.

"What's wrong?" Another guy walked up to the door, wearing a robe and slippers, and Alex immediately recognized him.

"You! You dare to touch my girl?" Alex couldn't suppress the anger welling up inside him, and he started moving toward Billy, determined to teach him a lesson.

"Stop!" Cathy stepped in front of Alex. After a brief burst of panic, she managed to get back a bit of control. Since her boyfriend had already discovered her betrayal, there was no point in trying to hide it now.

She looked directly at him. 

"Alex, we need to break up.""Break up?" Alex was stunned. He stared at Cathy with wide eyes. 

"Cathy, we've been together for more than a year. Are you going to break up with me now?"

"Yes. We need to go our separate ways." She kept steady eye contact with him and spoke with a strong sense of resentment. "Are you surprised? You have no money, Alex. You can only barely afford the cheapest essentials. We never have anything nice. As long as I'm with you, people will always be laughing at me, and that just isn't the life I want. I'm too good to be living in poverty like this. I was too naive when I was in my freshman year, and I let myself get tricked into being with a loser like you!"

She hugged Billy's arm and said to Alex, "Billy is my boyfriend now. From now on, I want nothing to do with you. Don't bother me again!"

"Well, seems like you're just her good-for-nothing ex now!" Billy looked at Alex with a provocative smirk.

Alex, standing there in a raincoat and with mud stains on his pants and shoes, felt like Cathy was right. He was a complete loser. Billy took the plastic bag from his hand and took out the box of condoms. He waved it at Alex and laughed as he said, "I'm staying in a nice hotel, having my girlfriend's ex bring me condoms. And you're single. Sure was good of you to help me out."

"Why are you still here?" Cathy scolded Alex.

"Nah, it's good that he didn't piss off. Maybe you want to see me beat him down, huh, Cathy? Gotta give a lady what she wants," Billy sneered.

Alex felt utterly defeated. He slowly turned around and walked out of the room.

"Bro, you're not even taking the money? Heh, nice. I get a girlfriend and a gift." Billy felt great watching Alex's slumped, dejected posture as he closed the door behind him.

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