Chapter: 83(The Party)

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[Chapter 83]

Together, they walked through the Green Island Garden's residential area.

There were neat rows of Mediterranean-looking villas. In front of each, there were all kinds of plants and trees, such as money trees, almonds in full bloom, and citrus trees. It was a very colourful and pretty scene. On both sides of the road, there were pine trees with birds chirping. The surrounding air was cool and fresh, with a faint fragrance of flowers.

Alex had spent a lot of time there, so it was nothing new for him, but the two girls were amazed by the beauty of their surroundings. They took lots of panoramic photos on their cell phones, exclaiming that Green Island Garden was indeed worthy of being one of the top two residential areas in New York.

Soon, they arrived at the artificial lake. In the middle of the lake was a small island, and on the island was a villa, which looked even more luxurious than the other properties. It looked like a European castle.

"So beautiful," the two girls exclaimed, as they looked longingly at the villa on the island and felt a gentle breeze from the lake brushing their faces.

Kelly commented, "That villa is worth over forty million dollars. I heard that it was bought by a young student in his twenties. Can you believe he's got so much money at that age?" The breeze rustled her dress. Standing by the lake, she looked very beautiful.

Sharon replied, "Who knows? I've heard from a friend who works here that he bought this villa over a month ago and hasn't lived in it at all. Maybe he has even better houses than this one." She imagined the young man and said longingly, "If I ever meet him, I want to hug him and kiss him."

Hearing her words, Alex, who was standing nearby, started coughing. Sharon looked at him impatiently.

"I'm sorry, I choked," he quickly apologized.

But Sharon didn't even notice how appalled he was with the way she was talking. She looked at him with disdain and said, "Disgusting loser. Go on, cough yourself to death. Didn't you say you lived here? Tell me, which villa is yours? Is there something you want to tell us?"

"Err—" Alex subconsciously glanced at the mansion on the artificial island.

"Why are you looking at that villa? You couldn't afford that if you lived another eight lifetimes." Sharon huffed as she spoke. She pulled Kelly's hand and said, "Let's go. Ignore this liar."

Sharon pulled Kelly, and they walked away from Alex, who shook his head in despair and followed behind them.

Soon, they could hear the sounds of people chatting and laughing, and a few minutes later they arrived at a villa on the southern side of the residential area.

There were two marquees in the garden, each containing long white tables filled with fruits, beverages, and wine. Thirty or so well-dressed young men were milling around, holding glasses, and chatting in groups of twos and threes.

Kelly, Sharon, and Alex walked into the garden.

One of the young men saw them and called out, "Sharon, Kelly, you're here."

"We were all hoping you were coming," said another.

Another said, "Kelly, we haven't seen each other for a few months, but you look prettier than ever."

Everyone rushed over to greet the girls. Mostly young men, but there were also a few girls. Other girls stayed back, watching Kelly with a trace of jealousy in their eyes.

The young men surrounding Kelly were all chatting happily. Then one of them noticed the young man standing beside her, wearing scruffy clothes and looking as if he didn't belong.

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