chapter 18

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Fash ran as fast as he could towards the Grand Galberi as a collie was being sounded.
On the radio, and the alarm sounded from afar, Collet was screaming, "I see the signal outside the window of the toilet at Place Du."
"Carousel and she's not moving at all? Oh, my God, I used to have just committed suicide. He kept running. The passageway looked like it wasn't.
The end to it. As he was speeding past Sauniere, he looked at the roadblocks at the end of the feast, mourning Denon, and the alarm sounded more and more loudly. Oh, my God, he's alive.
". Don't move anymore.
Fash followed Grey cursing the length of the corridor with each step.
Langdon 's moving faster, but Collier was still screaming on the radio, "He' s heading!"
"Towards Carousel, wait a minute... He's speeding up. He's moving too fast.
Upon arriving at the barricades, he made a way between them, saw the door of the toilets and headed towards them.
The radio was almost unheard because the alarm went off
"... On his voice, he's in a car from the store, he's in a car, I can't swallow the sound of the alarm, Kolle's words, while Fash was breaking into the men's room with his gun.
On alert, it flinched by the deafening sound of the alarm
And Fash is checking the place out.
The toilets were empty, the lavatories were derelict, and Vash's eyes turned in.
The solution to the broken Windows at the far end of the bathroom and he ran towards it and took a look at it from Feik and there was no sign of goggling. Fash couldn't have imagined that someone would take such a risk. And sure enough, if he falls from that height, he 'il be seriously injured, and finally the sound of the beep will go off and the sound of a collie will be heard again on
He's moving south... Quicker... He crossed the Seine over the Du 's bridge...."
Carousel!" Fash turned left. The only car crossing the bridge was a large red cargo truck moving southward away from the Louvre. The truck was equipped with an open box covered in vinyl wax, almost like a giant hammock.
That truck may have died just moments ago.
The signal is right under the toilet window.
Crazy risk, said Fash in his half. Langdon couldn't have known what might have
The truck carries it under that hood. What if the truck had steel? Or concrete? Or even trash? A # - foot jump, or he must have lost his mind... the point is going around the corner of Chet Colle, it 's going right on the San Bridge
1 Beer.
The truck that crossed the bridge must have slowed down to make a turn
Right at the Saint-Per Bridge. Be on, Fash thought he was stunned as he watched the truck disappear in front of his eyes. Collet had by then instructed the police outside to withdraw from the Louvre border and set out in their cars to follow the truck, and he did so as he was receiving the obstruction of the truck's movement, as if in some strange live broadcast from
His kind.
It's over. Fash knew it. His men have the van surrounded in moments.
A few, uh... And Langon won't be able to pick him up.
Fash put his gun back, walked out of the bathroom, and called Collier back on the radio.
"Once your resume is ready, I want to be there when our men have him arrested.
While Fash was scrambling, he ran back from the Grand Gallery, wondering whether Langdon had...
He survived the fall at all, but that was no good now.
Angdon has fled, so he is the real culprit.
Fifteen yards from the toilets, Langdon and Sophie stood in the darkness that
The Grand Gallery has their backs stuck to one of the huge barriers that hide the toilets, and they barely manage to hide before Fash crosses them, shooting like an arrow. He draws his gun and peaks into the toilet. A mystery has loomed over the last 60 seconds
Langdon was standing in the men's room refusing to get away from a crime he didn't commit.
When Sophie took a glass-plate window through which a system grid was passing, she looked at the sails down the window as if they were measuring the distance of the fall." With a little bit of good shooting, you can get out of here. Precise shooting? And peek out from the window
And there's this big truck up the street with two big, eight boxes.
Ten wheels, en route to the light right under the window. Langdon hoped that Sophie would not be thinking what he seemed to be thinking of doing."... Sophie, there's no way I'm guessing.
Remove the rye tracker.
Langdon felt his forehead puzzled until he touched a small metal tablet with his hand, took it out and gave it to him
To Sophie, who took him, stepped up to the laundry immediately, grabbed a thick soap sheet and put a trace point on top of the sheet, then pushed the disc by her thumb into the board, and as the disc was diving onto the soft surface, Sophie pressed the small perforation that I made to cover it completely. I implanted the device into the soap sheet, Sophie gave the sheet to Langdon and took from under the sink a rubber trash can.
Before Langdon could object to what she was doing, Sophie ran to the window, carrying the basket, an old war agency of Duck fortress, and directed the bottom of the basket towards the center of the window and shattered the glass
A deafening Bedouin blew the alarm bell over their heads. Give me the soap!" Sophie screamed, and her voice is almost unheard because of a sound.
The beacon. Langdon slapped the soap hard and put it in her hand. Sophie grabbed him in the palm of her hand and then peered through the broken window of the large ten-wheeled shamanic truck that was spinning in place just under the window. The target was an extended tarpaulin attached to the trunk - it was less than ten feet from the end of the building, and as the red light was transmitted to green light, Woollen took a deep breath and hurled a plank
Soap outside the window in the dark of the night.
The soap bar quickly fell down to the truck, landed on the end of the lid, and then
We slip into the box where you put the merchandise as soon as you change the color of the light to...
Sophie said as she pushed him towards the P, "You just ran away from the Louvre."
Two thousand fled the men's room and moved in the dark towards the roadblocks in the corridor before
A few moments of the Flash passing by.
Now that the fire alarm was silenced, Langdon could hear sirens
Police cars choking away from the Louvre... Exit group. Fash comes out and leaves the Grand Gallery abandoned.
There's a life ladder about # metres back at the Grand Gallery."
Sophie said, now that the guards are on their way outside the building, we can get out."
The Angdun decided not to say a word all evening, Sophie Novo was certainly enjoying herself
With far more intelligence than he did.

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