chapter 26

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31 Despite its wide fame, the Mona Lisa was just a painting
The 21-inch display - is even smaller than the posters with her picture sold at the Louvre gift shop. It was hanging on the northwest wall of the Hall of States behind a two-inch sheet of unbreakable protective glass. IT WAS PAINTED ON A PANEL OF POPLAR, AND THE MISTY, IMAGINARY CHARACTERISTIC OF THE PAINTING WAS DUE TO DA VINCIS EXCELLENT ADVANTAGE AND CAPTURED IN THE MISTY SFUMATTO STYLE IN WHICH THE SHAPES IN THE ART LOOKED AND HAD THEIR BORDERS: FADED, ENTERED WITH ONE ANOTHER
It was robbed twice, most recently in 1911 when it was choked from the impenetrable hall "- the square saloon. On this day the Parisians lament and cry in the streets, writing articles in the newspapers, begging thieves to return the painting. Two years later, he found the Mona Lisa hidden under a hidden box in a hotel room in Florence, and now that Langdon has made it clear to Sophie that he does not intend to leave the Louvre in time.
For the present, he walked with her in the Hall of States towards the Mona Lisa, which was still twenty cold ahead of them when it turned on the black light and the bluish light spread out from the top on the floor. And Sophie shone a ray of light from front to back, combing the floor like she was looking for land mines, only to find any trace of the shining ink
Langdon was starting to feel a slight tingling in his body from the excitement generated by his encounter.
And her pilgrimage to face the wonderful works of art he was going through walking alongside Sophie.
Langdon went to great lengths to see where the optical barrier came out of money.
The penguin color that was emitted from the black light that Sophie was carrying showed up to the left the visitor-folded couch that seemed to be...
A dark island in the middle of an empty sea room.
The world's most famous painting, the safest and only in its fury, was that the most prestigious feature followed by the Mona Lisa was a trifle in her.
The world does not like her mysterious smile or the Western interpretations attributed to her by some art historians and savvy who wish on conspiracy theory, and it is simple that the Mona Lisa was famous because Leonardo da Vinci declared it to be his best achievement. He carried the painting with him wherever he traveled, wherever he was going, and if he did, he replied that it was difficult for him to go beyond my name. A work that expressed feminine beauty. Nevertheless, many art historians doubted that Da Vinci's love of the Mona Lisa was
Because of his excellent painting skills. Because the truth is that the painting was nothing more than a very ordinary picture, painted in a foggy sfumato style.
Many scholars have claimed that Devshi's veneration for his work is more profound
The hidden message that lies in the layers of color, the Mona Lisa was actually one of the most hidden jokes in the world. The Turk of double meanings and vivid, charismatic innuendo was revealed in the painting, in most of the art history books, yet the majority. Bone of the People still saw the Mona Lisa smile as a great mystery and a mystery that was absolutely unambiguous, Langdon thought as he went forward and looked at the limits
The exterior of the painting, which was far away and slowly getting clearer. There's no mystery about it.
Langdon recently shared the Mona Lisa secret with a somewhat attractive group
Bunch of criminals at the Yessex County Jail. The seminar at which Langdon lectured in prison was part of a program at Harvard University aimed at putting education into the prison system, or the density of a collector, to use the words of Landon's colleagues, who called him that, at the photoprojector in the dim library of the prison.
The prisoners present - who were smart men despite their vulgarity and harshness - are a secret
The Mona Lisa.
You can see, "Langdon, heading towards the Mona Lisa,
On the Mukaba, the testicle drawn behind her face is uneven, and Langoun points out the obvious difference. Da Vinci drew the line of sight from the left much lower than the right.
I mistook her name, NG. One prisoner asked and Langdon made a faint laugh. Nope. D 'Apache did not do this most of the time. In fact, this is a simple trick by Da Vinci. When Da Vinci painted the countryside lower on the left, he made the Mona Lisa look much larger on the left than on the right, which is
He is female and right is male. And since Da Vishi was a great admirer of feminine materialism,
"Make the Mona Lisa look greater than the left side.
I heard he was a gay pervert, said a short man with a beard.
Langdon's face changed when he heard the word. Historians have not used the word
That's exactly the way it is. But it is true, Da Vinci was a homosexual.
In fact, Da Vinci believed in the balance between the male and the Athenian. He thinks the human soul."
"It can only improve with masculine and feminine elements.
You mean male and female organs?" Someone cheered.
There was a wave of laughter. Langdon thought of providing them with compelling side information.
Linguically, the word betrayed and its connection to Hermes and Aphrodite.
Hermavrodite told me that Nick was going to be wasted on this group, Tia Sid Langfort, calling a macho man. "Is it true that the Mona Lisa is a picture?
"Leonardo da Vinci himself? I heard that Tuck really is a possibility." Langdon replied, Qudavashi was a joker and a prankist, and that "A computer analysis of the Mona Lisa and the image of Da Vinci himself confirmed striking similarities between their faces. But whatever Da Vinci wants to say in the painting, "Langdon said that the Monalise is neither mentioned nor you, it is a bond between the two, a message by which Da Vinci wanted to point to
Both sexes at the same time.
You're sure this isn't just Harvard bullshit for saying that the Mona Lisa is nothing more.
"Ugly girl"?
So Langdon laughed. You might be right. BUT Da Vinci HAS ALREADY LEFT A CLEAR CLUE
He says the painting is supposed to be Khini. Has anyone ever heard of an Egyptian god named Amon?
"Sure," said the big guy. He's a god of male fertility."
Langdon was amazed.
Where does it say on every box of condoms, amun smiled the man."
Muscles are a big smile. On the front of the box was a man with a sheep's head. And the book Tol, the Egyptian god of male fertility, was not a brand familiar to angdon, but he was delighted that condom manufacturers
..! They've had hieroglyphs.
Well done, Amon is already full of a man with a sheep's head and his horns are bonded
Gloria is the vernacular word we use today. It does not mean horny person." Horn" comes from Horny when we say Horny." You are kidding
No, start." Langdon said, and do you know who Amon's counterpart is? The Egyptian Goddess of Fertility
His question was met with silence for several moments.
It is Lisis "Langdon said, having held a wax vertex, that we have the male god Amon and has written.' Ys, the female goddess, who was writing Lisa. Langdon finished writing and then backed away from the projector.
Amon Lisa
Does that ring a bell? Loyalist. Oh, my God, somebody shouted.
Gentlemen, it is not only the Mona Lisa's face that seems to have betrayed me, it is Oma Lannon's.
Her name is also a merging word that relies on the sacred union of the male." And now, here, my friends are the secret of Davshi and the obsession of the mysterious Mona Lisa that my grandfather was here, "Sophie said. Now that they're on
Just ten feet from the painting, Sophie reluctantly pointed a black light at a spot in the wooden floor
Langon didnt see anything at first, but he did bend over and see a little dot
From a luminous liquid that had dried up. Is that ink? Suddenly disguised why he was originally using black light for blood, and his senses followed. Sophie was right. Jack Sauner did pay a visit
The Mona Lisa before he died.
He couldn't have come here without cursing, and Sophie whispered standing up. I'm sure.
Who left me a message here? It quickly passed the last steps of the Mona Lisa, lost the floor just opposite the painting, and began to swing. With light back and forth over the empty wooden floor." There's nothing here.
For a moment, Lavon had a glitter of glitter, a weakness on the shield.
The Mona Lisa opened me up a little bit, grabbed a wool's wrist, moved the light duck it up and shined it on the painting itself
The two sit still.
There were six words that glow in the dark written directly on Mona Lisa's face.

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