chapter 20

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Langdon and Sophie stepped out of their bunker and scurried toward the abandoned Grand Gallery Pass towards
Emergency staircase exit.
Langdon felt as he came forward as he was trying to assemble complex puzzle pieces in the dark of the night.
The latest piece of the puzzle is the most annoying aspect, which is that the purest judicial police is trying to set me up for less crime.
Do you think, "maybe it was Vash who wrote that letter on the floor?"
Sophie replied, even without receiving, "No way, Langdon wasn't sure. Apparently, he's very determined to make me a father.
Perhaps he thought writing my name on the ground would help him with the case? ? Symbols of the gods and da Vinci? That must have been a mistake. What about S's Fuunashi sequence? And the two letters.
From my grandfather's work.
Langdon knew she was right, it was the set of symbols that formed the clues
What about his call this afternoon?" Sophie added, "He told me that I should
Tell me something, and I am sure that the letter he left in the Louvre was his last attempt." To tell me something important, something I think you can help me understand. Oh, lame saint! Langdon stitched his forehead.
Things had been going from C to worse since his eyes had first seen those code words, and a fake jump from the toilet window would not have made him more popular with Fash. He suspected that the French police captain would see the pursuit and arrest of a soap bar taken away. We walked in from the entrance, "Sophie said
Is there any chance that the numbers on your grandfather's letter might hold the key?"
Which leads to understanding the other lines?
Langdon had once worked on a series of principled manuscripts
Frances Bacon had engraving codes in which certain lines were keys to how to decipher the other lines.
I've been thinking about numbers all night. You beat it to its peak and the result is you're nothing... I could use anything from her. MATHEMATICALLY, THEYRE ORGANIZED IN A RANDOM WAY, SYMBOLS THAT HAVE NO MEANING
Toohey, however, is part of the Fionacci sequence and this cannot be just
You're right, it wasn't a coincidence, using Fionashi numbers was another way.
My grandfather used it to get my attention - as in writing a letter in English, arranging his body in a posture with the work of art I most love, or drawing a pentagol on his body He did all that." He avoids my attention."
And the pentagram also has meaning in terms of beck?
Yeah, I didn't get a chance to tell you. The pentagram was a special symbol between me.
When I was younger, we used to play horoscopic cards for fun, and the card referring to my horoscopes was always among the group of pentagons. And I'm sure he cheated on the cards, but the pentagrams became
My secret pranks.
I feel like you don't get goose bumps in his system. They were tarot players? A game of badminton.
Mediamedieval Italian, after a game filled with hidden thickered roses. So much so that Langdon bequeaved an entire chapter to her in his new book, which is still in print. The 22 playing cards had such names as the female Pope, the empress, and the star
Tarot leaves were originally used as a secret means of transmitting ideas and theories that the church had forbidden. It has been brought back to life today by its mysterious nature through modern-day astrologers and fortune-tellers.
Langdon is well aware that if Sauniere is cheating on his granddaughter's playing cards for entertainment, a five-star is definitely a meaningful joke.
The second reached the emergency peace, and Sophie pulled the door to open it quietly, and she didnt get a divorce
The siren. Only the outside doors appear to be wired to the alarm system. His time, Sophie, is a narrow set of jagged peace that leads to the ground plate, and then you're down.
"When your grandfather told you about the pentagram,
Did Sheena mention worship of the Athean gods or any resentment he felt towards the Church? "For Catholicism?
Sophie shook her head in the nose I was interested in the athletic side of her
And those of Funashi, that was the things I cared about Holy Feminist Faye." PHI Langfon was amazed. Your grandfather taught you everything about the Fae number.
Of course, the divine ratio. And a shameless hand. My grandfather actually used to joke with me and say,
He went down the stairs and thought again of the number A. He was beginning to realize that Sauniere's keys
Sheena and Vichina were becoming more in tune with each other than they initially imagined. Fionashi numbers... A pentagram.
What is curious is that there is a common denominator that brings all these things together, and that is the concept
So important in the history of art that Langdon lectured many times at the university on the subject PHI.
Rojed Langdon himself suddenly remembers Harvard standing in the hall in front of students.
Symbolism in Art on the blackboard has a favorite number of 1.618.
Langdon met to face a large crowd of students eager to hear what he had to say. Who?
Who can tell me what this number is?
And it came out of "PHI, "and a tall student from math school raised his hand. Langdon said, "I'm older than you.
This Fae number of 1.618 is very important in art. Is there anyone who can help us?
He knows the captivity?
And Steter said, "That's a very nice number.
In fact, "Langdon said Steter got it again, Faye is a better science.
A number in the universe.
Steter's face was smirked with laughter, and as Langdon arranged the slides in the projector, he explained how.
Subsequent numbers have the amazing property of getting close to 1,618 - Fae too Despite the seemingly obscure mathematical origins, illustrated by Langdon, the amazing face
Fay's role is as a fundamental building block in nature. Plants, animals, even humans
"They have dimensional properties that depend with almost no precision on the ratio of Fae to one of Guy's total existence in nature," said Langdon, "turning off the lights, exceeding"
So the ancients thought it was the creator of the universe who put the Fae number as
"Scientists once helped that 1,618 was the sacred ratio to wait a little, said a young woman sitting in the front row, I'm a science student."
Naturalism and I have never been left to see this sacred ratio in nature, have you not? Langdon had a big smile. "Have you ever studied
"The relationship between male and female bees in a hive?
Of course, there are more females than males.
Is that true, and did you know that if you count the number of female bees to the number of males
"Bees, in what country in the world, always get the same intention?
Same number as 1?
Yeah, exactly the same number, Faye.
"Spice is plausible. Langdon responded with enthusiasm and a smile, showing a picture
"An illustration of a spiral-shaped Marine shell. Do you know this animal? Its a nutty, a mollusk cephalopod that pumps gas into its shell
Keeps it afloat in the water.
Is that right, and can you guess what the diameter of the whole helix is to the helix that
The girl's hand is uncertain as she looks at the concentric axes of the helical nucleus.
- Uma Langdon, let him go and the answer is Fae, Holy Ratio. One - comma - six
"One-eight to one. The girl seemed distraught by what she heard.
The sunflower seeds grow in a parallel spiral. Can you guess the percentage of the diameter of each
Round to the next?
Everyone answered with a clear voice, Guy?
Exactly." Langdon now quickly shows the illustrations one by one
Pine cone petals, paper formations on the plant market, and insect lobes all exhibits amazing subjection to the divine ratio." Someone's crazed. This is wonderful.
Another reply: Sure, but what does that have to do with a thousand?
"I'm glad you asked that question," Langvedon said.
It's a pale yellow parchment showing the famous work of Leonardo da Vinci in which R depicts a naked man - a painting of the Vitruvian Man - after Marcus Vitruvius, a Roman architect who mentioned the divine ratio and praised it in his book On Architecture, The Pencil of Pivim, one of the sizes of the human body that Leonardo da Vinci actually exhume.
He leaked to measure the precise proportions of the human bony core. He was the first to demonstrate that "the human body is literally made up of building blocks whose lineage is equal to the danma number fae, which everyone in the room has looked with doubt
Do you not believe me? Langdon defiantly said, "Next time you take a bath, remember that
"Take with you a tape measure.
Some of the football players released a pent-up laugh.
This is not just for you troublemen. Langdon urged the students to swear.
All boys and girls, try it, measure the distance between the top of your head and the ground and then divide the product
"At the distance between your belly button and the ground, and guess what that will do?
One of the students unbelievably shouted his ears.
Fay replied Langdon Single-comma - six - one - eight. Atrian, for example.
Another? Measure the distance between your cuff and your fingertips and divide the product by the distance between your elbow and your fingertips. Fae again. Another example is the hip to ground distance divided by the knee to ground distance. Fae again. Finger and toe deliverables and spinal cord divisions. It's all Fae. Faye... Fay. Dearly beloved, every one of you is...
"A living example of holy womanhood.
Langdon could see their astonishment even in this utter darkness. And I feel the warm warmth.
Inside of it is the sun. That's why he liked to teach. "My friends, as you can see, the randomness of this world holds within it a system, and when the ancient Fae were satisfied, they were fully confident that they knew the foundation stone that God used to build the world and sanctified nature for this reason. The hand of God is clear in nature, and even today there are still people who worship nature, and their religion is the reverence of Mother Earth, and many of us worship nature in the same way that heathens unknowingly do. We arrested me.
And May is the best money in Bimmel. The return of the earth to life gives its bounty. The enigmatic basis of the sacred ratio was written at the beginning of the creation of the world.
The laws of nature drive human life, and art is human endeavour.
Tradition of the beauty of what God created, so you can imagine... we will see many testimonies of the divine ratio in this prayer
For the next half hour, Langdon showed them pictures of Michelangelo artwork.
Albrecht Durer and Da Vinci, and many of the winners, all show that each of the Ulnec's devotees is bound by their precise and intended sacred design in their works, and Langdon revealed the Fae of the architectural dimensions of the Parthenon in the Ponan, the pyramids of Egypt and even the building of the United Nations in New York. Fay also appears in the regular nee of Mozart's sonnets and Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. As in the works of Bartok, Deussy, and Schubert. Lagdon told them that Stratvarius f also used the number phi to calculate the correct position of the holes in the shape of the letter
His famous violin design.
Concluding, "Langdon said on the way to the blackboard, you go back to the symbols. And draw five.
Crosslines identified as a pentagonal star "This symbol is one of the most important and powerful images you will see. In this chapter, it was previously known as the Magic Star according to the name given by the ancients This symbol is considered both sacred and magical in multiple civilizations. Can someone tell me what the reason might be?"
And the math student Steter raised his hand, "Because if you draw a pentagram the lines
Oma Langdon, his head and the young man gazed in admiration.
The line portions of a pentagonal star are all equal to phi, making this symbol the absolute and most important expression of the measured ratio. That is why the pentagram was so beautiful and perfect as to be accompanied by the goddess and the venerated goddess. I put a big smile on the faces of the girls in the hall
Another note, guys, we talked about Da Vinci today, except we're going to expand on...
He studied more during this semester. According to all the historical documents, Dafqishi had dedicated himself to the ancient worship of the female goddess, and his frescoes will show you The Good Dinner, the greatest gift of all."
Someone said, You're kidding, right? I thought the theme of The Last Supper was...
Jesus Christ.
Langdon had symbols in that painting hidden in places you couldn't imagine.
Come on... What's taking you so long?" Sophie whispered, we're almost there... Hurry up.
Langdon stared as he felt he was coming back from a very far away place and noticed that he was being held back at a dead-end in the ladder.
It suddenly gleamed in his head.
Oh, Draconian devil! Oh, lame saint!
And Sophie looked at him again.
Langnon thought, it can't be that simple.
But he knew it was gonna be that simple.
Here in Ott of Love... And the Da Vinci Tours are in Res. Oh, come on.
Unexpectedly Robert Langdon decoded Sauniere.
He, Daconian deil oh lame saint
..! Ciphers
Sophie stopped moving ahead of him, stared in confusion with a cipher.
Originally... And even if these are codes, they're certainly not simple.
"If the numbers are not in the right order, otherwise they are mathematical nonsense.
Sophie had no idea what he was getting into, Fionacci numbers?
She was sure the whole point of writing those numbers was to call the decryption department.
No more asking for their help with the investigation tonight. Was there any other reason he wrote the numbers? She immediately grabbed the picture with her grandfather's message and read it.
Oh, Draconian devil!
Oh, lame saint!
What about the numbers?
The random order of the Fionacci sequence is key to decoding. Langdon said,"
Take the paper out of her hand. "Numbers are a hidden sign based on the way he decodes the rest of the message. He wrote the sequence at random to tell us to apply the same concept to the text
Daconian devi Ohlame saint?
"Characters written in random form.
Sophie needed a moment to understand what Langdon's seemingly simple assumption was.
So much for laughing. We think this is a card game? And I stared at it. You mean, "random characters like yours are in the paper? Langdon was touched by the skepticism of Sufi's face and understood it perfectly. A few of them.
People know that the random ordering of word letters to form new words is a process that has had a rich history of sacred symbolism, even though it is now considered a modern, banal pastime.
If the kabalah method, for example, it adopted that exact method in the rerun.
Arranging Hebrew word letters to derive new meanings.
The French monarchs during the Renaissance were convinced that changing the order
The letters carried a magical power to a man that they had appointed royal private servants to help them make better decisions by analyzing words found in important documents In fact, the Romans called that process ars-magna-art
The Great.
Langdon looked at Sophie and they had eyes all over her, and it was what your grandfather wanted.
Clear or helpful all the time and he has left more than enough clues to decipher."
Without saying another word, Langdon pulled a pen out of his jacket pocket and rearranged it
Characters per line.
O, Draconian devill!
Oh, lame saint!
... They were actually the following word letters
Leonardo Da Vinci!
The Mona Lisa!
Leonardo da Vinci!
The Mona Lisa!

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