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Lieutenant Collier is out of Zurich Bank of Deposits begging for Fash's delay with him.
The warrant is not to be found. It is clear that Sheena is being betrayed by bank employees at home. They claimed that Langdon and Novo had purged but were not allowed in because they did not have the correct number to access the account
If that's true, why don't they just let us have a look around?
He told the ren of Collier's cell phone. It was from a command post in the Louvre. "Do you
You got a warrant for MI2 Sal Collier.
"The eagle tipped the bank, Lieutenant," the client told him. New information has been received. We've identified.
"A more intriguing bug that has Anon and Novo in it. You are joking
I have an address here in the suburbs of Paris. Somewhere near Versailles.
Does Captain Fash know about this?
No, not yet. He's on an urgent mission.
I'm on my way over there. Let him stiffen up when he's finished. Cooley signed up for help "and got into his car quickly, and on leaving the bank, he noticed that he forgot to ask who had told them this information. It didn't matter anyway. What happened was lucky for him, as he had the opportunity to correct his past wrongs. He was about to make the most important arrest in his career.
Collet sent a signal to the five cars that were with him. "Don't blow the whistles.
"Here are the men, let's not let Langdon feel coming forty kilometres from Paris.
Rural and stopped in the dark on the edge of a green field. Silas got out of the car and peered through a steel fence that encircled the large complex. And he looked up at the top of the cliff, which was lit by the moonlight, where the palace was visible from afar, the ground floor lights were all on. It's unusual at this hour. Think
Silas smiled on his recovery. Looks like the information the teacher gave him was... correct. I'm not leaving this house unless I have the key stone. Silas took a vow. I wont let down the priest and the teacher
Silas checked the number of shots he had in his Hickler cottage, and then he shoved it out of
The bars and let him fall on the green ground inside the fence. He then clung to the top of the fence, raised his body up, jumped to the other end, recovered his gun, and began to walk the long way up the palace, ignoring the pain of the belt that had cut through him.

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