Chapter 1 new beginnings

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Explosions and flames going off
people running and screaming for their lives.


???: What's going on?....

???: Don't worry about it, get to a safe place please....

???: Ok but where do I go?

???: Just go find your dad and we will meet up with you later! *explosion* HURRY!


*foot steps*


*3 people walking in a beautiful grassy valley*

Chip: Are we there yet *he says walking with an axe over his shoulder*

Michael: How many times are you gonna ask that.

Chip: Until we get there. *he chuckled a bit*

John: Pipe down you two we are almost there.

They all arrive at some abandoned village with barely any thing in it.

John: And here we are! Rosabel village! Our new home!

Chip runs over to the village and eyes light up

Chip: This place is amazing!

Michael: Yea, it's really something

John: You think we will be able to build the farm again?

Michael: Definitely brother, there is nothing the bee brothers can't do!

John: Your right brother, let's get to work!

Several months later

Chip runs up to John and Michaels house

Chip: John! Michael! Guess what!

John: Yes, chip?

Michael: What is it?

Chip: I built my own house! *his eyes light up*

John and Michael: That's so great to hear!

John: So this means your moving out, aren't you?

Chip: Uhh.. Yeah I guess it does

Michael: Well, be sure to visit us some time, ya hear me boy.

Chip: Of course I will! *he smiles* Well see ya!

John and Michael: Bye!

Chip walks away with the axe over his shoulder with a big smile on his face while John and Michael wave him goodbye.

End of chapter 1

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