Chapter 11 New business partner

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Back at rosabel village Chip was at his shop working on it when Von came over

Von: Hiya Chip!

Chip: oh hey Von, what's up?

Von: Oh nothing much, just exploring

Chip: Sounds good, I hope you enjoy it here, where did you come from anyway?

Von: What do you mean?

Chip: Like, before you came too the village, where were you?

Von: Oh, well I was kind of everywhere, I had no real home, just that van

Chip: Oh I see... Well I hope you enjoy it here

Von: I will, thank...... What was your name again?

Chip: My names chip.

Von: Oh yea! I'm Von *he smiled*

Chip: *Chip chuckled a bit* Yea, nice too meet you Von.

Von: So what is this place?

Chip: This is me and Yeets floppa shop!

Von: You see floppas?

Chip: Yep! The wear house is over there *points at the wear house*

Von: Oh that's cool! Hey, I have an idea that could be beneficial for both of us~

Chip: Ooooo, a big boy word, I like the sound of this, well go ahead and tell me

Von: What if we merge out businesses!

Chip: Huh? Why?

Von: Think about it. Floppas with Yeezys on *star eyes*

Chip: ...... *he laughs* Ok we can try that *he laughed a bit more*

Von: YAY! I promise, you won't regret this! *shaking his hand*

Chip: I'm sure I won't. *skeptical*

As Von and Chip are talking about plans for the business, off in the distance Violet and Fritz were watching.

Fritz: *eating a cookie*

Violet: *also eating a cookie*

Fritz: I could get used too just sitting here with you

Violet: Agreed, this is really fun

Fritz: Hey.... Is he looking at us?

Violet: Hm? *looks at chip* OH SHIT HE IS!

Chip: I'll be back Von. *he pulls out his axe and hops into the tree*

Violet: SHIT! RUN!

Violet and Fritz start running while Chip chases them through the forest. Fritz hops off his shoulder and runs a different way while Chip still chases Violet.


Back at somewhere else

???: alright time too close up for the day..
Hope I'll get business tomorrow....

???: *he closes up his zoo and goes to his house too sleep*

End of chapter 11

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