Chapter 3 Adventure Time

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Yeet and Chip were running around the Savanna, having a great time exploring.

Yeet: Chip look over there!

Chip: Ooooo an Elephant!

Chip and Yeet run over too it and chip pulls out a golden bone

Chip: *he feeds it to the elephant* You are mine now and I bud the Humphrey :>

Chip and Yeet hop onto Humphreys back and starts riding around for a while.

Chip: This is fun huh Yeet

Yeet: Yep it really is *he smiles*

Chip: *he smiled and started humming*

Yeet: Should we get Humphrey home?

Chip: Yea that's a good idea

They ride Humphrey all the way home and sit him down by the house.

Chip: Be a good boy, ok Humphrey? *he smiled and pet his trunk*

Yeet: Wanna continue exploring?

Chip: Sure, let's go

They go back to the Savanna and exploring for a few hours. They decided to sit under a tree rest for a bit.

Chip: Hey Yeet, want a fish? *he pulls out a salmon*

Yeet: Sure, why not *he took the fish and eats it in one bite* thanks.

Chip: Your welcome, hey do you ever get this feeling we are being watched?

Yeet: Ya, all the time actually

Chip: Really? I thought it was just me

Yeet: Nope, I feel it too

Chip: We should start heading back now it's getting late.

Yeet: Ya I agree, let's go

They get up and start walking back to the house. It is night now and some zombies start walking to them

Chip: Shit. Let's find a way around.

They turn around and zombies are coming up from behind. They look all around and they are surrounded by zombies.

Chip: Crap! *he pulls out his diamond axe*

Yeet: EEK! *he pulls out his diamond sword and stands back to back with chip*

Chip: Guess we are in for a fight eh...

Yeet: Yep.....

As the zombies approached closer Chip and Yeet were ready to attack. Suddenly Chip and Yeet were lifted off the floor and they got surprised, next thing they were back at the house.

Chip: ......What the?

Yeet: You saw that right?

Chip: Uhhhh technically no..

Yeet: Ya me either.

Chip: Should we just.....go inside?

Yeet: Yea....

Chip and Yeet go inside and being left dumbfounded.

Chip: Goodnight Yeet.

Yeet: Goodnight Chip.

They went to sleep and heard footsteps and noises in the night once again...


???: *walking through a grassy area close to a desert*

???: One day I'll find you..... I promise... *pulled out a picture of chip with a big grin on chips face*

End of chapter 3

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