Chapter 5 Watching

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Chip was asleep in his bed and violet was in a tree nearby crouching.

Violet: Well he's asleep right now so that makes my job easier.....

???: *sitting on his shoulder* Thanks for letting me come this time *he smiled*

Violet: You're welcome Fritz, I need some company anyway

Fritz: So why do you need to watch him again?

Violet: To make sure he doesn't end up like him

Fritz: Oh that Chalk fella?

Violet: Hey! Remember we swore to not ever say that name, remember?

Fritz: Oh ya my bad, so he is like, really bad?

Violet: Ya he was already a bad guy to begin with, but then that one day...



*foot steps*

???: Go! You need to find him!

???: You have to come with me!

???: Yea im!- *explosion*

???: NO!

*violet in the back ground looking scared then running away*

*in the distance*
???: No! How dare you do that to-

End flashback

Violet: That's all I remember about that day...

Fritz: Oh..... I'm so sorry... That must have been hard for anyone....

Violet: It's alright... It's in the past now, I'm just glad you weren't there little buddy...

Fritz: Well you know me, I would have just hid in the ground *he says pridefully with a grin*

Violet: Yea.... I know...

Chip starting to wake up

Violet: Oh, hush he's waking up.

Chip: *yawns and looks around* Looks like yeet is still gone... I'll just go wander for a bit, maybe visit John and Michael... *he got up and went outside*

Violet: Alright, let's go. *they secretly follow Chip*

Back at somewhere else

???: *leading a crocodile* alright little buddy in ya go.. *puts it in a fenced off area* there ya go...

???: *he walked around the area and looking at all the animals* finally the zoo is almost completely....

???: I hope one day someone will come, if there are even people out there anymore.... I'm sure there is I'll just have to wait..

*he smiled and went into his small house and layed down*

End of chapter 5

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