Chapter 6 A bigger population

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Chip arrived at the rosabel village and saw a bunch of people there.

Chip: Woah what the heck.

Chip saw Michael and ran up to him

Chip: Hey Michael. Who are all these people?

Michael: Oh hey there Chip! A lot of people have been coming all day to live here!

Chip: That's great! I can't wait to meet some of them!

Chip ran into the village and saw people walking around.

???: Uh, hey... Red guy.

Chip: Hm? Oh hello!

???: Are you new here too?

Chip: Nope! I was one of the first here!

???: Oh that's so cool! I just got here?

Chip: So what's your name?

Atlas: I'm Atlas, nice to meet you *he smiled*

Chip: I'm Chip! It's a pleasure!

*chip sniffs the air*

Chip: Why do I smell cookies.....

In the distance

Fritz: Shit. I think he smells my cookies.

Violet: Well put them away.

Fritz: *he throws the cookies away*

Chip: Eh, must have been my imagination.

Atlas: Guess so.

Chip: Well I'll cya around *he ran off*

Chip runs around until he heard something.

Chip: Hm? AH- *he got tackled to the ground*

Yeet: Hey Chip! *he had him pinned down*

Chip: *he blushed a bit and grinned* What's up Yeet! *Yeet got off of him and Chip got up*

Yeet: I saw you so I just had to scare you! *he grinned*

Michael walked over.

Michael: Well Chip, who is this?

Chip: This is my friend Yeet! He's my roommate!

Michael: Well nice to meet you Yeet, I'm Michael

Yeet: Nice to meet you too Michael!

Chip: Yeet want to go meet everyone with me *he smiled widely*

Yeet: Sure! Let's go!

Chip and Yeet run off.

Back at somewhere else

???: *walking through the forest eating at apple*

???: *sees a poster on a tree* hm?

???: *he grabbed the poster and looked at it* rosabel village huh..... Alright

???: I guess I'll go there *he started walking and threw the Apple core behind him*

Once the Apple core hit the ground it disappeared....

End of chapter 6

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