Story line for next story 🤩

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The story is about mafia...

Payu is a leader of mafia gang....
He is a heartless person
He used to lend money to people with high interests and make them pay back with everything they have...

Rain is a very innocent student of 19years and he had a dad who never took care of him and only did is take money from people and use them in drinking and gambling...

Situation makes Payu to take Rain as a slave because of his dad's debts..

Rain innocence make Payu to change his world upside down...

Rain makes Payu world change and makes him to fall in love

But Payu is scared of showing his feelings to Rain because he is afraid that something will happen to Rain, if he lives with him in this mafia world...

But still Rain makes Payu to fall hard for him...

Will Payu leave everything and come to Rain ???

Will he be able to confess Rain his feelings???

Note : Am really very new to writing story about mafia...
This type of story is very new to me
I will try my level best..

Hope you all will like it....🤗🤗🤗

Am so confused about cover photo...
Please help me pick 1 or 2



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My heart always belonged to you Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin