Coming Home

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The next few days were filled with emotions for Piper. She was so excited to be adopted by some of her favorite performers of all time and get out of the horrible house she had spent so long in, but at the same time there were a lot of kids here who she would really miss. The day before she left she decided she had to tell Rhea. Rhea was playing with some of the other girls and Piper didn't want to interrupt their fun so she waited until it was around bedtime before telling her.

"Hey Piper! Wait why do you look sad?" Rhea said as she came into the room. Piper hadn't even realized she looked upset until Rhea pointed it out.

"There's something I need to tell you..." Piper replied.

"What is it? Did something happen?"

"Well... okay I guess there's no way around it. I got adopted and I'm leaving at noon tomorrow. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to be sad!"
"I'm not sad! Well I'm a little sad, but I'm so happy you finally got adopted!" she choked on her words. "I'm really gonna miss you Piper" Rhea said quietly as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"I'm gonna miss you too Rhe. But you have to be strong while I'm gone okay? Maybe I can visit sometime!" Piper said as she wiped the wetness from the younger girl's cheeks. Rhea smiled up at her and wrapped her arms around Piper's waist. 

"I'm so happy for you." She said. 

They spent the rest of the night talking and playing card games to pass the time. The next morning Piper awoke early with excitement but pretended to be asleep until Rhea went down to breakfast. She knew that if the younger girl saw her packing it would just make her more upset. Once Rhea was downstairs Piper began putting her things in her suitcase. She got dressed and put on a little makeup, then put everything else away into the bags. Looking around she remembered one final thing. She walked over to her bedside table and rummaged around in the drawer. Most of the contents were old scraps of paper and pencils that she didn't need to bring with her, but at the bottom of the drawer was the only picture she had of her with her parents. It was from the day Piper was born. In the picture they were still in the hospital and her parents smiled down lovingly at her. 

"Guess what?" she whispered to the picture. "I finally get a family again." She tucked the picture into her bag and sat on her biggest suitcase looking around at the half-bare room. Even though she hated it there, she was kind of going to miss the place. 

Then there was a knock at the door. Piper rushed over to find Ms. Hadley with a forced grin on her face. "Hello Piper, your new parents should be arriving soon. Shall I send them up for you?"

"Sure! That would be great!" Piper said a little too cheerfully. 

"Alright. Congratulations by the way." Ms. Hadley said almost sarcastically. What a bitter old woman. Piper sat scrolling through tumblr for about 15 minutes until there was another knock at the door. She opened it up to find Rhea. 

"They just got here!" Rhea exclaimed. "They'll be up soon, I just needed to say goodbye one last time." Piper embraced the smaller girl and said her goodbyes. When she pulled away from the hug she saw Scott and Mitch in the doorway. Scott had his arm slung around Mitch's waist and they were both smiling at the cute little scene. 

"Hey guys." Piper greeted the men as they entered the room. 

"Hi Piper." Mitch said. "Do you want us to help you with your bags?" he offered.

"Maybe just the one." she replied and gestured towards one of the bags. 

"No problem!" Scott said as he brought the bag downstairs. Piper picked up the other one and walked with Mitch down to the car.

"We're so excited to show you around the apartment!" Mitch said. "We didn't know what your style really is but we tried to decorate a room for you anyways." He smiled a little shyly. 

"Awe that's sweet! I'm sure it'll be great!" She replied as they all got in the car and drove off. It was about a 20 minute drive to the apartment complex but it only seemed like 5 to Piper. The whole trip she watched her new guardians singing along with the radio and making fun of each other for not knowing the words. Piper was so excited to have this be her new life. Once they finally arrived Piper walked in and recognized the living room and kitchen from some of their superfruit videos. 

"Okay your room is right through here." Scott said as he led Piper to a room at the end of a hallway. When he opened the doors Piper nearly started crying. She had never had her own bedroom before so it was already great, but the decor was perfect! The walls were a very light grey with white trim and there was light hardwood flooring. Her bed was bigger than she expected and had dark grey bedding with white polka dots. There was also a black pillow with gold lettering that said "Piper" on it. There was also a walk-in closet and a big window. There was also a black dresser, a white book shelf, and a black desk.  Piper turned to Scott and Mitch with a huge grin on her face. 

"Guys this is amazing!" She exclaimed. 

"I'm so glad you like it, we weren't sure what you'd think." Scott said happily.

"I love it! Thank you so much!" She hugged them both and couldn't stop smiling. 

"We have another surprise for you too, but you can start unpacking first if you want." Mitch said cheerfully. 

"Really? You guys really don't have to do this, it's fine."

"No." Scott said in a fake angry voice. He furrowed his eyebrows and put his hands on his hips. "We do have to. Come out to the living room when you're done unpacking." He said and winked at her.

"Okay, okay!" Piper chuckled. She put most of her clothes away in the closet and dresser. As she started putting books on her bookshelf she heard the front door open and hushed whispers from the other room. She was so excited to see what they were doing that she only spent about 10 more minutes on the books before she excitedly exited the room.

"Alright what was it you wanted to show me?" She asked as she walked down the hall. She didn't hear a reply and couldn't see anybody. Once she rounded the corner she stopped dead in her tracks.

"SURPRISE! Welcome home Piper!" Yelled Scott, Mitch, Kirstie, Avi, and Kevin. They were standing around a table with snacks and a cake on it. 

"I...I.." Piper stammered "Thank you so much!" She could feel her face turning pink but she didn't care. Everyone giggled and beckoned her to the table. "This is insane." Piper said.

"We're so excited to have you!" Avi said in his low voice. 

"Yeah, Scott and Mitch can't stop talking about you!" Kirstie chimed in as she passed piper a slice of cake. 

"I'm so excited to be here! You guys are huge inspirations to me, I never could have dreamed of this happening!" 

"Awwe." They all said. The party continued on until Piper was so tired she fell asleep on the couch. Scott carried her to bed and tucked her in. While the rest of Pentatonix went home, Piper dreamed about all the amazing experiences she was going to have with her new family. 

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