Our Turn

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Two weeks had gone by since the visit to the precinct and there were still no new leads. There were no witnesses, no identified vehicles, nothing. 

"Scott we're going to have to do something." Mitch said one morning.

"Babe what can we do? We aren't entitled to do our own searching. Wouldn't that be like, disturbing a crime scene or something?" Scott asked apprehensively. 

"I don't care anymore. I miss Piper. I miss her smile, and her laugh, and her ability to always make me happy. I miss her so much, Scott. I can't stand not being able to see her every day." Tears were streaming down Mitch's face by the time he finished his thought. 

"I hate seeing you like this." Scott replied softly. Mitch hadn't been doing well since Piper went missing, and every day that passed without having her there made Mitch look and feel more and more empty. He hadn't showered in days and his hair was a mess on the top of his head. He had bags under his eyes from a combination of lack of sleep and crying. Scott didn't know what to do because he wasn't doing much better himself. 

Suddenly the phone rang pulling both the men out of their thoughts. Mitch rushed over to the phone hoping it was from one of the officers saying they knew where Piper was. Scott carefully listened to Mitch's end of the phone call.

"Hello?...Yes, I...No I have no idea where he would have...O-okay. Thank you." Mitch's voice was hushed as he hung up the phone. "Scott they..." Mitch broke down to the floor and began sobbing again. Scott immediately rushed to his side and pulled the smaller man into his chest.

"Mitchie what happened?" Scott whispered as he gently stroked Mitch's hair. 

"They had reviewed the traffic cameras and saw the car with Piper." Mitch said between sobs. "H-he took her out of city limits, th-they don't know where they went." Mitch's breath was shaky.

"Mitchie baby it'll be okay. If they don't find her, we will." Scott said firmly. Mitch looked up at him confused. 

"But you just said..." Mitch began, but was cut off by Scott's lips colliding with his own. Scott's sudden burst of confidence surprised both of them a little.

"I know what I said. I changed my mind. I will find our daughter if it's the last damn thing I do. If the police don't know where to look, I'll start my own investigation. I need to see Piper again, Mitch. I miss her so much."

"I... I miss her too. And we will find her. I don't think this is going to be legal, but I don't care. I need to have my little girl back in my arms." Mitch knew that Piper was hardly a 'little' girl, she was in high school. And even though the family hadn't been together that long there was still an undeniable bond between the three of them. 

"Mitch, I have a plan."

About two hours later all of Pentatonix were gathered in Scott and Mitch's apartment. Scott explained everything to the rest of the band, who were all very supportive. Piper was the type of person you'd love just by looking at her. She captured the hearts of the band and they all knew it was crucial to find her and bring her home. 

"So does everybody understand?" Scott asked. The rest of the group nodded without hesitation.  Under any other circumstances he would have sounded crazy, but it had been almost a month since Piper's disappearance and they were all getting desperate. 

"Should we go out tonight? We could get a good start..." Avi suggested. He was really affected by Piper being taken. Avi had a really kind heart and seeing his friends, who were basically family, go through such bad things made him feel everything they felt. 

"It's really late, I doubt we'd be able to get much done." Scott replied. "Did you guys bring stuff like I asked? Sorry it was such short notice."

"I've got my stuff." Kirstie said gesturing to a bag by the door.

"I got my stuff too." Kevin said.

"Same." Avi replied.

"Great. So y'all are sleeping here tonight, then tomorrow we'll all head out." Scott confirmed.

"Sounds good." Kevin said and they all nodded.

They all found their respective places to sleep and went to bed fairly early as they would be getting up at the crack of dawn the next day. As they all went to sleep, they each dreamed of different ways the next days would play out.

Okay I'm sorry this is such a short update, I was out of town for a while and I also just posted a Phan one-shot that took up a little time. I promise the next chapter of this story is going to be a lot longer and explain everything, sorry it's kind of a cliff hanger. And again, thanks for all the love this story keeps getting, it means a lot! We're also somewhat close to 1k reads which is super exciting. I love y'all <3 

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