Stressed Out

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Swearing in this chapter too. Sorry about that. 

"Scott what are we going to do?" Mitch asked. It had been three days since Piper went missing and there were still no leads. 

"I don't know baby. I miss her so much." Scott said as toyed with Mitch's hair. Mitch's head was resting on Scott's chest as they sat in mostly silence on their couch. After a few minutes Scott heard his phone go off. He took one glance at the caller ID and immediately answered the phone.

"Hello?... Yes, yes I do... Okay we'll be right over. Thank you." Was all Mitch could hear from their end of the phone. 

"What's going on?" He asked Scott.

"They think they found something on a traffic cam down the street from here. We need to go to the precinct right now." Scott explained as they rushed out the door. 


Once they arrived at the precinct they were escorted to Officer Morris' office. One of the other cops who searched the apartment was in the room as well. She introduced herself as Officer Hammond, and they all sat down at a desk with a small computer monitor in the center.

"This is the footage from the traffic camera from the night your daughter went missing." Officer Morris explained as he pressed play. The footage wasn't very good quality, but it showed a man entering their apartment building. He stayed in for several minutes, then exited carrying the sleeping body of Piper. 

"Oh my God." Scott said as he brought his hand to his mouth in disbelief. 

The footage continued as the man put her in the back of a car without license plates, and got in the driver's seat and sped away. The tape ended and Scott and Mitch sat silently in shock. 

"Now I know this is a lot to take in, but we do need to ask you a few questions." Officer Morris said. Scott and Mitch both nodded in unison and remained quiet. 

"Alright, first did you recognize that car at all?"

"No." Scott and Mitch both said. Officer Hammond scribbled something on a piece of paper with every question they answered.

"Okay we understand the camera quality isn't very good, but we were able to get a pretty clear shot of the man's face. We've enhanced the image to see if we could make it more clear for you." Officer Morris said as he pulled up a picture on the monitor. Even though the picture was fuzzy, it was clear who it was. Scott and Mitch both gasped and Scott yelled profanities. 

It was Andrew. 

Scott threw himself up from the chair and paced around the room with his hands running through his hair. 

"How could he do this? How did he know? HOW DID I LET HIM? I was awake so soon before he came into the apartment, this is all my fault. I am going to hell, I'm the worst fucking parent in the world. I let him take my daughter, my fucking baby girl. She's gone and it's my fault." Scott ranted on. Mitch had grabbed him by his waist to stop him from pacing, but Scott continued to degrade himself.

"Scottie it's not your fault." Mitch whispered into the taller man's ear. "Sit down baby, we need to tell them who it was."Scott was still fuming as he sat back down at the desk.

"So I uh, I take it you know that man." Officer Morris said as he shuffled through some papers.

"His name is Andrew Matthews. He's my ex-boyfriend. He's an abusive asshole and he's probably going to do unspeakable things to my daughter. You need to find her, NOW." Scott slammed his fist on the table causing everyone in the room to jump slightly. 

"Babe they're going to find her." Mitch said quietly as he steadied Scott's hands. 

"Of course we will. There's nothing to worry about sir." Officer Hammond said. 

"We're going to check his information immediately. Now you're sure it's him?" Officer Morris asked.

"Absolutely." Scott replied. 

"Okay, now do you know if he has a criminal record?" Morris continued.

"I uh..." Scott looked down at his shoes. "I had filed assault charges against him. It was maybe two years ago now? Otherwise I'm not sure."

"Oh, um, in order to file this report I must ask what happened between you two." Officer Morris said hesitantly. 

"He um..." Scott took a deep breath. "He always threatened me and called me names. In general he made me feel like shit. I mean not at first but towards the end... Anyways one night I came home from rehearsal and he was waiting up for me on the couch. I could tell he had been drinking. I should have left then and there but I didn't. He beat be up. He broke my nose and chipped one of my teeth. I..." Scott's voice trailed off as his eyes flooded with tears. 

"Baby it's okay. He won't hurt you again." Mitch whispered as he rubbed his husband's forearm. Scott turned his head a little to face Mitch. 

"Don't you see? He already has." Scott replied.

Hey guys so I'm sorry for the kinda short update. I also need to tell y'all that I won't be able to update either of my stories again until around the 28th. Thanks again for all the support this story keeps getting, it means so much! <3

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