Great Escape pt. 1

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very important:: These last two chapters have some violence and stuff so if you feel triggered by mention of violence, blood, etc. then don't push yourself farther than you can handle ily

Piper pulled Mitch and Kirstie further into the small room, and pushed them into a small closet. It didn't have a door, but there were a few stacks of presumably empty boxes the singers could hide behind. Mitch and Kirstie knelt behind the old boxes and watched through cracks as a burly man opened the door and thundered towards the frail girl.

"Where are they?" He demanded as he grabbed at the collar of her dress.

"W-where are who?" She whimpered back. "Andrew? I haven't seen him in days..." She actually sounded genuinely oblivious.

"Oh never mind. You're no good for anything anyways." The broad man shoved her to the ground, earning a small scream from Piper. Mitch felt his chest heat up and he balled his hands into fists. He began to stand before he felt Kirstie place her hand on his fist. Mitch darted his gaze over to her and she silently shook her head. Suddenly Piper let out a shrill scream and the singers turned in horror as they watched the tall man kick the girl in the ribs.

Mitch was trying to stay hidden like Kirstie had prompted him to. Kirstie however, didn't listen to her own conscience. She frantically searched for some sort of weapon and ended up grabbing a fairly large shard of glass from the damp floor before lunging up and attacking the burly man with it.

"Run!" Kirstie yelled over the man's screams.

Mitch's eyes widened and before he could process what was happening, he was running down the corridor with Piper in his arms, desperately trying to remember the way they had originally come from. Piper was practically weightless so carrying her didn't really bother him, he just knew they needed to get out immediately. There were a lot of turns and forks in the tunnels the brunette hadn't noticed on the way down, so the slight disorientation mixed with surging adrenaline didn't allow him to think very clearly.

"How are you holding up sweetie?" Mitch asked his daughter softly.

"I... He really hurt me. I think my rib is...I think he broke my rib." She sounded completely winded and breathless even though she wasn't the one running. Mitch used his more free hand to tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear.

"You're going to be okay, I promise. You have to be strong for us, okay?" He continued murmuring soft encouragements into her ears as they rounded a corner that Mitch thankfully recognized. "We're almost there, okay? You're doing so well baby, so well." Tears were welling in his eyes as he spoke.

"Mitch!" The brunette heard Scott yell and looked up to see the rest of his band mates. "Oh my god are you..." The blonde's voice trailed off when he averted his gaze to the weak girl in Mitch's arms. Mitch noticed at the same moment that Scott, Kevin, and Avi were in terrible shape themselves. All three had varying patters of cuts and bruises on their faces.

"Guys what happened?" Mitch gasped.

"Two guys came down here, we tried to fight them off but one took off down the hall." Avi explained. That must have been the man who beat up Piper. "The second guy is well..." His deep voice trailed off and he gestured to a seemingly lifeless body to the side of the tunnel.

"Is... is he dead?" Mitch asked. Scott was now toying with the now sleeping Piper's hair, but Mitch was still firmly holding on to her.

"We don't know." Kevin admitted. "We don't want to check. Where's Kirstie?"

"The other guy you talked about came in to Piper's room. Kirstie and I were hiding until he started beating her up. Kirstie starting attacking him with some broken glass and told me to get Piper out of there so I did..." Mitch explained with some fear in his voice. "I want to go back for her."

"You need to get Piper out of here, Kev and I can do that." Avi offered. But soon everyone's heads snapped in the direction of the sound of a person sprinting down the tunnel towards them. It was still too dark to see so they all instinctively huddled a tight circle around Piper in case it was the strong looking man.

"Oh my god..." Avi whispered. They all stared at the blood soaked girl sprinting towards them.

"Oh god Kirstie I'm so sorry- I never should have left you with him! We need to get you to the hospital, this is all my fault-" Mitch rambled on before Kirstie cautiously interrupted him.

"Mitchie, breathe. It's not mine." She said quietly. All the men stared at her in amazement. "Can we call an ambulance? I don't want to have killed someone..." She choked on her words as tears started streaming from her eyes. Avi rushed over to her and wrapped his arms around her shaking frame.

"It's okay, Kit. It's going to be okay." He hugged Kirstie tighter to his chest. Avi felt his shirt dampening, either from the tears or blood but either way he didn't care. "You aren't a murderer, don't worry. Everything's going to be fine." She pulled away and nodded, wiping her face as she did so.

"Thanks." She flashed a tiny, forced smile before turning to the rest of the group. "We need to get out of here. Is there any way out besides the hole up there?"

"None that I know of." Kevin said and everyone else murmured their disappointed agreements.

"Well we have to try climbing I guess." Kirstie said as she make her way to the space just below the loose board. All of them were too short to reach it, but combined it wouldn't be that hard. Scott walked over and lifted Kirstie by her waist. She quickly knocked the board out of the way and slid up into the shed before moving the table out of the way.

"Step back." She said and the men obliged. She threw down a crate for them to boost themselves off of.

"I'll go first. Then you can hand Piper up to me." Scott said to Mitch before hoisting himself out of the tunnel. Mitch stepped up onto the crate and waited for Scott to signal down to him. Soon, Scott nodded down at him and extended his long arms towards the girl.

"Piper baby, we need to lift you. It might hurt, I'm sorry." Mitch whispered to his sleeping daughter. He lifted himself onto his toes and raised Piper as high as he could while still cradling her fragile frame. Kevin was beneath them, spotting to make sure nothing went wrong. Once Scott had a firm grasp on the girl he pulled her out of sight from the others.

"You two go next, I'm tallest so I'll need the least help out." Kevin said. Mitch and Avi reluctantly agreed and by the time Kevin was safely above ground everything seemed to be under control. Piper was asleep and strewn across Scott and Mitch's laps. Avi's jacket was resting across her legs as a makeshift blanket. Kirstie was on the phone, presumably with paramedics, while Avi paced back and forth between her and the couple. Kevin knew Avi would end up stressing himself out just by trying to comfort everyone else, so he decided to let the bass be on the receiving end of the sympathy for once.

"Come here man." Kevin said as he pulled Avi into his broad chest. "We did it. It's okay."

Okay please don't hate me but I had to break the last chapter into two parts because if I didn't it would be overwhelmingly long and I don't want that. But I promise there won't be a super long wait between updates. After part two will be an epilogue so be ready<3
Also I really feel the need to thank you guys because this story is always getting so much support and it really warms my lil heart. Ily guys<3

Adopted by Scott and MitchNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ