2. wake up Canada!

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'day 3 since Canada's arrival at the house. He has been healing well but he still hasn't woken up. His breathing is a bit quick but nothing to worry about at the moment. I'm not sure if he will survive though, his wounds where terrible. Latvia is starting to ask questions and everyone is worried, even I am. I'm not sure if Canada will ever wake up, but only god knows. I feel like Mr. Russia is way to agressive towards people in general and that if he was just a bit nicer, we could've avoided all of this. But alas, if I told him that, who knows what he'd do to me.'

Lithuania put his pen down and sighed. He leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyes, giving a glance at the sleeping Canadian.

"Poor guy..."

Lithuania heard a knock at his door.
"Come in!" He said as got up.
The door opened and Estonia walked in.
The Lithuanian tilted his head at the sight of Estonia.
"What is it?" He asked.
"Mr. Russia would like to see you. He is in his office." Estonia said with a shaky voice.

Lithuania gulped and started to walk down the hallway to Russia's office. He knocked on the door then opened it to see Russia sitting at his desk with a creepy smile.

"Lithuania! Come in." The Russian said.
Lithuania walked in and closed the door. He sat at one of the chairs opposite to Russia.
"You called me, Mr. Russia?" The Lithuanian asked.

"Da. I want you to tell me how Canada is." Russia said in a more serious tone.
Lithuania gulped.
"Well.. he has been healing quite well but he hasn't woken up for the past days. His breathing is quick and so is his heart but it's nothing concerning. I'm not sure if he will survive though, his wounds where quite serious." Lithuania said, trying to sound confident. Russia's smile faded away as he heard that information. He got up and looked out of his window.

"Let me tell you what I told Estonia. You see, if our minor accident is told to the public, I will have to face not only America in war but all of Canada's allies. And we don't want that, do we?" The Russian said as he turned his head to give a cold glance at Lithuania.

"R-right.." Lithuania replied.
Russia sat back down and smiled.
"I already have Estonia making sure that America doesn't find out about this so we are safe for now. All I ask from you is to tell me when Canada is awake, da?"

"O-of course Mr. Russia." The Lithuanian said with a trembling voice.
"Good! Now you are excused." Russia said.
Lithuania quickly got up and ran back to Canada's room. He sighed in relief when he saw that Canada was still sleeping peacefully.

"Lithuania?" A voice called. Lithuania turned around to see Estonia, Latvia and Ukraine. He smiled and welcomed them into his room. Ukraine glanced over at Canada and started to tear up.
"Will he be ok?" She asked.
"I'm not sure, but I think he will." Lithuania replied.
"Lithuania look! I drew the guy there!" Latvia said as he flipped over his sketchbook to show a very well drawn Canada, covered in bandages with a big pair of wings.

"Why does he have wings?" Estonia asked.
"Because he's like an angel! He has been through tough stuff and he is still alive right?" The Latvian said with a big smile.
They all chuckled. Ukraine quickly stopped laughing and stared at something behind Lithuania. Estonia soon stopped as well and stares behind Lithuania. Confused, Lithuania turned around and gasped.
Canada was sitting upright in his bed with a look of anger and fear.

"What the fuck?!"



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