snowy days

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2 months. 2 long months.

That's how long Canada as been held "captive" in the Slavic home. Sometimes he wonders why no one has set out to look for him. Was he really just... Invisible?

Matthew sat in his room, just staring blankly at the wall as he held kumajirou. His eyes were puffy and slowly filling with tears. Kumajirou whimpered and looked up. "Why are you sad, Canadia? Don't be sad!" The bear whines and snuggles Canada.

He couldn't help but smile warmly at his pet. "Thanks, Kuma.." Canada whispers, nuzzling his polar bear. It's true, maybe Canada didn't have people who remembered him, but he had kumajirou.

Then, without knocking, Latvia ran in with a big smile. "Mr. Canada! Come quickly!" The young nation piped. Canada tilted his head, slightly confused. "Oh? Uhm, alright then."

Latvia took Canada's wrist before pulling him up and dragging him through the large house. He slowed down though, since Canada was still wounded and really not in his best shape.

The Canadian admired the artwork as he walked, looking at all the amazing paintings on the large wooden walls.

Before he knew it, The smaller nation had pulled him to a bench. The bench had gloves, a hat, a scarf, a jacket and boots.

Canada titled his head before his eyes widened. "Are they letting me go..?" He wondered as he looked down at Latvia.

"Is Mr. Russia letting me leave..?" He asked in shock. Latvia frowned and shook his head.

"No, and it wouldn't be very easy if you tried to run away. He lives in the middle of the forest.." he mumbled and rubbed his shoulder.

"Mr. Canada! Latvia!" A light accented voice called. Behind them was Estonia, Lithuania and Ukraine. They were all already wearing snow gear and seemed happy.

"Mr. Russia is out of town for today, so we thought we could take you out and have some fun." Estonia explained.

Canada cracked a sweet, flattered smile. "You're all so kind." He said in his usual whisper like voice.

"Well, C'mon! Put your things on, Matthew!" Ukraine giggled.

A few minutes later, All of the nations were suited up and ready to go out. When Ukraine opened the door, Matthew was blinded by the bright white snow. The crisp air blew in his face and filled his nose, making him sigh contently. It felt like home, in a way.

They all stepped out of the house and closed the door behind them. Canada could feel kumajirou squirming in his arms, so he put the bear down and let him walk freely.

Latvia laughed and ran around, having the time of his life. Estonia ran after him a little, along with Lithuania. The trio seemed to have fun spending time together.

A few hours later, the countries were deeper into the forest, with the Baltics states running around while Ukraine and Canada sat together peacefully.

"How come Belarus isn't here?" The blonde man asked.

Ukraine sighed and looked back at the ethereal view of the forest. "She left with brother, probably to beg him to marry her."

The Ukrainian woman chuckled at her own words, causing Canada to laugh as well.

They sat in silence for a bit, just enjoying the time outside. "Matthew.."

"Hm?" He replied.

"After all of this, will you ignore us...?" She asked, her Ukrainian accent being quite prominent with a worried frown upon her face.

The Canadian's eyes widened fairly and he quickly shook his head.

"What? Non non non!" He took a deep breath and continued. "You have all helped me feel as welcomed as someone could be in the Slavic home. For that, I thank you all." He said softly.

A few seconds later, soft sniffles were heard beside Matthew. He confusedly looked to the side and saw Ukraine crying, making him panic. "U-Ukraine!! Why are you crying?!" He yelled, turning to face her.

She wiped her eyes and continued to cry. "Your just so sweet Canada!" She sobbed.

A few moments later, the trio came back and Lithuania sighed. "Come, I think we should go home now."

Canada agreed and helped Ukraine up, and they slowly started to walk home. Canada had picked kumajirou up, since he could barely walk in the tall snow.

At the front door, Estonia shushed everyone and slowly walked in. They all sighed a sigh of relief when they noticed that Russia wasn't there yet.

Canada was the last to come in, standing at the door as he took his snow gear off.

Suddenly, he felt a cold, firm, intimidating grip on his shoulder from behind. A warm breath tickled his neck that smelled like Vodka, causing his spine to shiver.

A deeply accented, dangerous voice spoke in a overly joyful tone.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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