5. a proposal

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"I'm not America! Please! Have mercy!!!"

Canada sprung awake in his bed, drenched in sweat, breathing quickly and sharply. The man exhaled deeply from his nose, trying to get his emotions in check before reaching out to the nightstand for his glasses. After putting them on, he looks around. Suddenly, he felt something soft on his bed. He looked down...


"Kumajihiro?" Canada asked in shock. It was Infact his little white polar Bear. The fluffy animal looked up, tilting its head.

"Hmm... Who are you?" It pried. The Canadian couldn't help but smile. It was the only sense of familiarity he had. The man picked his bear up and hugs it, running a hand in it's soft fur. "I've missed you, Kuma..." He muttered.

The door to Canada's room ajared slightly, with a head of long blonde hair poking in. "Mr. Canada?" The Lithuanian man called.
The Canuck looks up and smiled sheepishly. "Y-yeah..?" He responded. Lithuania gave him a soft smile before entering the room, closing the door with a small click.
"I see you've-" Lithuania noted before The Canadian boy interrupted him.
"Was it you that brought Kimahiro?" Canada blurted out innocently. Lithuania paused for a moment to gather his thoughts before nodding. "I did." He retorted.

Canada smiled fondly at him. "Thank you."  He added. Lithuania returned the smile before returning to a sheepish demeanour.
"I... Came to tell you something, Mr. Canada." He quaked. Canada tilted his head to the left. "Please, just call me Canada. And what is it?" He replied.

"Mr. Russia would like to dine with you." The Slavic country responded. Canada's demeanour turns worrisome and frightened. "What..? No! Not a chance! Jamais!" Canada boomed loudly. Lithuania flinched slightly, trying to calm down. Hearing the yell, Ukraine and the others appeared in the room. "What happened?!" Estonia exclaimed. The Lithuanian sighed and pulled Estonia to the side to explain the situation while Ukraine and Latvia sat next to Canada, trying to calm and sooth the quivering man.

"Brother wants to dine with you, Tak?" The Ukrainian woman asked. Canada nodded slowly. "Oh no! Russia is so scary!" The small boy exclaimed. " What if he tries to ea-" a small hand covers the Latvian's mouth. All the countries looked up to see Belarus and the same stern and cold glare she always had.

Just her presence in general frightened everyone. Matthew seemed slightly confused though, as he didn't know the nation like the others.

After a moment, she let go of Latvia and wiped her hands. "Brother wouldn't hurt Canada. Not again." She stated. Ukraine frowned slightly. "Why would he hurt him in the first place?" She muttered to herself, crossing her arms over her cleavage.

Latvia ran back to Estonia, standing behind him. The Baltics stay silent, observing the scenario play out.

"Listen closely, Маленькі пацук, I do not like you." Belarus growled. "But, I don't want brother to be angered. So I make you a... Proposal. I won't try to kill you, but only if you do not build a relationship with my brother. I will be the one to marry Vanya." She uttered softly.  "Why the hell would I have a relationship with that monster?... And wait— she wants to marry him?!" The Canadian looked around at the other nations. They all seemed terrified of Belarus.

"So, Маленькі пацук, I'm waiting for your answer." She hissed. Canada looked back at the Belarusian woman and nods. "Deal." He replied. Belarus's eyes widened slightly before she cleared her throat and reclaimed her cold demeanour. Ukraine smiled happily and squeezed Belarus in a tight hug. "Дякую, сестро!" She cheered, squeezing her sister tightly. "Адпусці мяне ад Украіны!" Belarus fumed, pushing Ukraine off.

"What a weird family... Eh, I don't have much to say, do I?" Canada thought, stroking his bear's fur. Latvia poked Canada's cheek, causing the older nation to look down. "Can I let your bear?" The young nation asked, his accent shining through his words. He nodded, moving his hand away from his bear. Latvia gasped and smiles, petting the bear with a giddy smile.

At the opposite end of the room, Estonia leaned closer to Lithuania and whispered in a hush tone, "Are we sure Russia won't hurt him again?"
Lithuania paused, then glances at Estonia. "No. But.. he isn't weak. I found some information about him regarding his activities during wars. He can fight pretty dirty."

Estonia was a little surprised. "That's a good thing, right?"

"It is. It really is."

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