3. esti de démon

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Ukraine quickly stopped laughing and stared at something behind Lithuania. Estonia soon stopped as well and stares behind Lithuania. Confused, Lithuania turned around and gasped.
Canada was sitting upright in his bed with a look of anger and fear.

"What the fuck?!"

Lithuania slowly came closer to Canada with his hands up.
"Wo wo... Relax.." he said.
Canada starts baking away while breathing quickly and heavily. He looks around the room in terror and pain.

"Canada, it's just us.. Mr. Russia isn't here.." Estonia said as he got closer to Canada.

"Canada it's me, Ukraine. And Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Russia isn't here.." Ukraine said as she sat beside Canada.
She put her hand on Canada's. The Canadian looked at Ukraine for a moment.

"Ukraine..?" He said. Ukraine smiled.
"Yes, that's me." She replied.
Lithuania came closer with a small notebook.

"How do you feel? Are your ribs ok?" He asked. Canada sat up, grunting and hissing in pain.
"They hurt..." He said.
Latvia smiled and ran up to Canada.
"Look! I drew you!" The Latvian said as he turned his sketchbook around. Estonia yanked his arm.
"Not yet Latvia. He needs some time." The Estonian said.
Canada rubbed his head and looked around.

"Why... Why am I still here..? A-and how do you know who I am..?" The Canadian asked.
'do they remember me?'

"Mr. Russia told us who you where.." Lithuania said. Not long after, Russia walked into the room with a big grin.

When Canada noticed him, his gaze changed from confused to utter fear and nervousness.

"My comrades, may I have a moment alone with Canada?" The Russian said, sending shivers down Canada's spine.

"O-of course Mr. Russia.." Estonia said as he left with Lithuania and Latvia.
Russia smiled fakely at Ukraine, only getting a mean glare in response. She walked past Russia and stoped beside him.

In a low voice, she whispered,
"You hurt him, I will tell the world." Before leaving. Russia turned around and closed the door, making Canada gulp. The Russian turned back around with a big smile.

"You seem to be doing better, da?" He said.
"What do you want?"
The Canadian replied in a shaky voice.

"I'm only here for agreements. See, if you tell your brother or your brother finds out about this, I wouldn't only have to face his rage but the rage of all of your allies. And we don't want that, da?" Russia said, getting closer to Canada.

"No, they will know." Canada replied, trying to cover his fearful voice with confidence.

"Canada, I will have you cooperate, it's your choice if it's with force or not." The Russian said, loosing his smile and sending a wave of fear over the Canadian.
"I can make the world forget about you. It's not like they remember you in the first place."

Strike! Russia knows Canada's weakness; always being forgotten. Canada looked down, his eyes filling with tears.

Ignoring the tears, Russia continued.
"Now, I will have you stay here until you are fully healed, understood?" He said, regaining his smile.

"Va chier esti de démon..." (Go fuck yourself you goddamn demon...) The Canadian whispered.

Russia turned around and left the room.

Canada curled up into a shivering and crying ball, whispering and mumbling curse words in french.
"Esti de démon..." (You goddamn demon...)




-the father figure

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