5. sympathy?

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'day 5, night 6 of canada's arrival at the house. He seems to be getting along well with everyone, especially Latvia and Ukraine. Belarus doesn't seem to happy about Mr. Russia keeping an eye on him, as she always wants his attention. The boy is stronger than I thought, stronger than I had imagined, though. I expected such a young country to be having a harder time. Anyways, I must report Canada's state to Mr. Russia, as he demanded me to do each day.'

Lithuania puts his pen down and sighs, leaning back in his chair to rub his eyes. He soon gets up, fixing his blazer jacket as he walks to Russia's office, his steps resonating in the hall.

"Gilūs įkvėpimai..." (Deep breaths...) Thinks the man as he knocks on the large wooden door.

"Mr. Russia..?" He calls out softly, waiting for a reply.
"Да, come in, Lithuania." A low Russian accented voice grumbles back. Lithuania puts his shaky hand on the handle and pushes the door open. Said nation walks in, closing the door behind him. Russia was seen rubbing his temples in his chair, seeming distressed. The Lithuanian man pushes his thoughts away and speaks gently, being weary not to aggregate the Russian man.

"Mr. Canada has been healing at a remarkable rate. His wounds are almost completely gone, the only worry is... His heart. He's noted having rapid heart palpitations when stressed, causing Nausica, faintness, etcetera."

This intrigues the Russian man.

"Oh? How so?" Said nation asks, his eyebrows furrowing in anticipation as he waits eagerly for a response.
"It is nothing of your cause, Mr. Russia. A..." Lithuania wanted to finish his sentence, but fear of saying his name struck him. Russia raises an eyebrow, his dark mauve eyes narrowing. "What was that, Lithuania?" The Russian asks, a creepy, shuddering smile plastered into his face. The Lithuanian man gulps, shuddering slightly.

"A-america... The last time we had spoke, he had warned me about someone he knew that would commonly have things called 'panic attacks', Though I never remembered the name of the person..." He answers quietly, avoiding Russia's gaze as he fumbles with his fingers.

The Russian man gets up, fixing his white scarf. "Interesting..." He says taking a deep pause. "I'd like to dine with Canada later on. When he feels more... Comfortable, at my house. Do you think that's a good idea, Lithuania?" He asks softly, though his voice was oddly intimidating.

"Of course it isn't! Why would he want to ever see your face ever again after you almost killed the poor soul?!" Was what the Lithuanian wanted to say. But alas, he would be 6 feet under in less then minutes if he chose those nonchalant words. "T-Taip..." He answers in a quivering voice.

"Good! You know, I like you Lithuania. I'm glad I conquered you. Anyways, you are excused." He says with a pleasant smile. It was hard not to be fooled by the man's adorable face, but Lithuania had years of "experience". The Lithuanian nods and walks to the door, glad to be able to leave the grasps of the Russian man. But...

"Mr. Russia...?" He calls quietly. Russia makes a small "hm" sound and looks up from his desk. Lithuania looks around quickly, gathering his thoughts before saying;

"Please, be gentle with the boy. He is frightened to the farthest extent."
Russia was surprised at Lithuania's worried tone, but hides his emotions with his usual creepy facade.

"No promises!" He answers with a childish giggle. Lithuania sighs and shuts the door, leaving Russia alone in his office.

"Be gentle with the boy... Be gentle with the boy..." The words rung in Russia's head like a bell. He turned his chair, facing the tall window as he watched the delicate snow falling onto the frozen glass. And for a short moment, he felt a tingle of...


No, that couldn't be right. Russia was Russia! A heartless, cruel conquerer who only cares about his benefits. He wouldn't care about some weak boy!.... Right...?

A/N: hey guys! Sorry it took so long to update this book. I'm so grateful that you stuck with me!! I'll try and publish more!


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