6~Foreign Trip

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Author's P. O. V......

Taehyung was under guilt, sitting on his couch, he vented all his anger on manager Lee, but still he's felling bad for manager's behavior towards Dr. Jeon.

He was thinking to go and ask for doctor's forgiveness but he was embarrassed to do so, he decided to call him.

On Call


Taehyung: "Dr.Jeon? "

Jungkook: *cough cough* "yes Mr. Taehyung? "

Taehyung: "Can we meet? ---- i-i-i mean can we--i --"

Jungkook: "I'm sorry Mr. Kim but I'm busy today. I'll let you know about the appointment later."

Call End

Taehyung's P. O. V...

"He ended the call" * sigh * "Ahhhhhh" I was getting frustrated that because of manager Lee my public imagine is being spoiled. I decided to directly reach to the hospital tomorrow otherwise doctor will keep on making excuses and will avoid seeing me.

I was thinking how to apologize to him suddenly my phone buzzed I picked up the call from company " Taehyung shi, I was assigned to inform you that you have to go to Italy in 2 days for some shoots. "

" Alright, thanks for informing you can talk to manager Lee for other informations. "

Jungkook's P. O. V...

I'm feeling little sick, but that alright~~ I have so many appointments to attend today, and all other works that has been pending since last few day....oh yeah, Mr. Taehyung called me right when I was about to enter the meeting hall, I had to end the call... I'll call him afterwards if I'll remember.

After the meeting I went back to my cabin and Dr. Song followed me asking " Are you sick Dr. Jeon? " Showing her puppy eyes don't know for what reason *sigh*.

"Dr. Song it's not serious at all, I'm just having little cold and cough that's it. " I assured.

"Dr.Jeon but--" I didn't let her finish and said " Okay fine... I'll take leave from tomorrow, are you ok with that? " I raised an eyebrow jokingly.

She agreed and started helping me with some document works, I usually don't like to take help from anyone but i just can't be rude with her by denying her help.

~Next Day~

Taehyung's P. O. V.....

Right now I'm in the company discussing about the important aspects of the shoot in Italy and other things like that, after the meeting I decided to go and see Dr. Jeon, I left the room and suddenly heard a familiar voice from behind " Taehyung shi where are you going? Let me come with you. "

I replied without turning back " I'm going to make up for your doings, no need to follow me manager Lee. "

I reached hospital, covered my face with mask and cap to avoid people's attention, I straightaway went to Dr jeon's cabin but I didn't found anything there so i decided to ask the receptionist, it's weird he's a punctual person and he's still not here.

I went down and asked her " Miss, Till when Dr. Jeon will reach here? "

She replied " Sir, Dr. Jeon is on leave for some days. "

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