Chapter one:

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I finished some last minute gardening, then quickly rushed back into my house, changing out of the soil covered clothes and into more suitable clothes for outside. I was a bartender, and tonight just so happened to be one of my closing shifts, meaning that I had to be there early to open the bar, and stay late to close it.

I got on my boots that completed my outfit, which was made up of a simple white, long-sleeved turtle neck and a pair of full length loose beige pants with a chocolate brown coat that reached my knees over all of that. I snached my purse and car-keys, rushing out so as to not be late, seeing as how I still needed to change into my work clothes. Only once I was halfway to the bar had I noticed that I left my newly washed jeans I usually wore at home, which left me with no choice but to ask my friend if she could bring me a spare. I knew I'd come to regret it but I didn't care, I needed those pants and I wasn't about to drive back home.

Grabbing my phone and telling siri to dial her number, I place it to my ear, waiting on her to answer. Three rings and she finally did.

"Hey bestie! What's up? Why did you call me so early in the morning?"

"Well, I need your help. You see, I have the opening- and closing shift today and I forgot to bring my washed jeans with me, so would you be a dear and bring me one of yours? Because I really can't go back now, I'm already running late."

"Oh, yeah sure, no problem. I'll be right there. But you'll owe me a free drink~"

"Thanks a bunch hun, see you there. And yes, you'll get your drink." I spoke, rolling my eyes as I knew she would come up with a way to get something she wanted out of this.

"Alright, mwah! Bye!" Her voice resonated through the phone before multiple rapid beeps told me that she had hung up.

"That little bitch.. always getting her way.." I silently told myself, laughing out loud at the absurdity of it all.

I had been friends with her for all my life after all. Heck, you could even say we were friends while still in our mother's wombs, seeing as how they were besties and decided to get pregnant and have their first children together. My mother always told me how she wished for us to be great friends, and is happy that we still are. In fact, I'm greatfull to her and her bestie, because I cannot imagine living without mine. Like, the world would not work properly. She was like a sister to me and knew me better than even myself.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as I noticed I was already in front of the bar, turning the wheel to drive into a nearby parking-lot for workers. I sighed, getting out of the car, closing and locking it before stuffing the car keys into my purse. Hand still inside, I rummaged through it in search of the key of the bar, knowing I could easily find it just by my sense of touch. After all, I somehow managed to map out everything in my purse over time, which means that I now don't even need to look to find what I need anymore. I chuckled at the though, going up to the front double glass doors, unlocking the right one that also immediately unlocked the left one.

Upon stepping inside, the calming smell of citrus and fresh mint hit my nose, letting me know that the morning smelt like the crisp air I wished it to be whenever I cared for the citrus and mint plant in out bar. It also calmed me down, knowing that the day was yet to start and that I now have a moment of piece and quiet all to myself. That's when the door bell chimed, signaling my first customer. I internally panicked, as I hadn't even changed, nor prepared anything yet. Looking to the direction of the door, I heaved a silent sigh of relief, seeing it was only my idiot of a friend.

"Hey hun, here are your jeans. Have fun~" She wriggled her eyebrows, which unnerved me a little bit, but I took the pants nonetheless, disappearing into the changing room to change my attire. It was simple, but I still needed to get out of my current outfit. Jeans, that my bestie brought me, a white top, which was long enough to show my stomach a little bit only if I raised my arms above my head, my flat shoes and an apron. I don't know why we had one, other then to keep us safe from any spills, but they were simple enough to not stand out. I internally screamed at the tight jeans, knowing they fit me, but would be very snug and show off my body, which I didn't like in the slightest, and she knew that.

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