Chapter five:

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We parted from the kiss, both panting. I apologized. Both for dirtying his shirt, and for crying like this for no real reason.

"Hey, it's quite alright. There's no need to apologize. I can always wash it!" He cheerily explained, wiping the tears from my cheeks with his thumbs.

After a moment of silence, he spoke up again: "Hey.. wanna talk about it?" I didn't know how much I needed to hear those words until now. I really wanted someone to talk to about my emotions. I'd always been a listener, bottling up my feelings so that the other's could feel better. I'd be the carrier of vast knowledge on a person's weakness, but no one ever listened to mine. No one even ever offered to talk.

But the fact that he did, despite not even knowing me all too well, just made my heart swell in joy. I wrapped my arms around his neck in a tight hug, thanking him over and over. He simply chuckled and soothed my back.

I wiped my tears with my sleeves before looking at him. "Ok, this is going to be a long story, so perhaps I should tell you tomorrow. I'm sure you still need to work, and I do too." I explained, my frown replaced by a smile.

I smiled until I realized that he'd have to sleep in my home, since I took him here and he didn't have a car to drive back with. I frantically looked around, running to the guest room to check if it was clean. Luckily, it was, but I didn't have any clothes for him to change into, unless he was content with wearing my dad's stuff, since he usually stayed over and occupied the guest room.

I made my way back to the living room. "Uhm so, I can offer you the guest room, which also has some clothes of my dad. Are you ok with that? I promise I'll also wash your clothes so you can wear them again tomorrow!" I explained in a bow, hoping he will accept my request.

"Of course, it's quite alright. And I can take care of the clothes, don't worry-"

"But I don't want you to feel uncomfortable sleeping in those dirty clothes! At least take some pj's, and I insist on washing your clothes. I already have a small batch and it would be a really quick was and I will have it dry and ironed by tomorrow morning, I promise." I bowed again, watching as he motioned to me to come over. I did as told, only to feel a blush rise to my cheeks when he patted his lap. I didn't argue and simply sat down, letting his strong arms engulf me in a hug.

"It's really OK, you don't have to do all that. I'm thankful you're even letting me stay here. I mean, for all my know, you could have kicked me out, or if you had enough decency, driven me to my workspace where my car still was." He explained quickly, and I nodded in understanding. Of course, I couldn't possibly be that cruel, he helped me out quite a lot after all.

"So uhm, do you want to see where you'll be sleeping tonight?" I asked, and he nodded, picking me up with him ad he stood up, making me wrap my legs around his waist. "Where to doll?" I was about to hit him and tell him to put me down, but I decided against it. Instead, I told him where to go. I also mentioned the bathroom.

"About the bathroom. We'll have to share. I still want to take a shower, so if you do too, you can go first. I tend to take a while, and I'm sure you'll be quicker than me." I laughed. He joined in, looking towards the door before looking at me with a smile.

"Why don't we just take one together? I'm sure it will be fastest that way." He smirked mischievously, and I had to smack his arm from embarassment.

"Don't make me regret my decision." I warned, watching as he chuckled, then apologized. "Alright, I surrender." He raised his hands to add some drama, making me laugh. I felt really comfortable around him already, and I didn't know if it wad his calm and protective aura, or if I generally just appreciate his presence. I mean, I do, of course, but I never expected it to be so quick.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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