Chapter two:

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"Uhm... I don't know..? Should I..?" I asked, feeling nervous almost instantly. I started twiddling my thumbs, realizing I might have made a big mistake asking that particular man for help.

"How do you NOT know that-?! He's like- the most famous mafia boss there is! And the hottest one at that~" She yelled incredulously, adding that last part with wriggling eyebrows.

"W-wait.. You're telling me I made out with a mafia boss-?!" I whisper-yelled, not wanting to attract attention. I was currently polishing a wine glass while leaning over the counter to hear her.

"Girl. You're telling me you didn't recognize him?" She asked in the most deadpan expression, scaring me. I looked away, moving to put the glass that was still in my hand away, pretending like I didn't hear her.

"Pshh.. who are you talking about?~" I laughed nervously, picking up the next cup to polish it. I pretended to be occupied, not ready to deal with her seriousness. I heard a 'tch' behind me, snickering as I knew I won this little argument.

Although soon after, I felt bad, knowing she will be sour about this if I don't apologize. Just as I turned around to apologize to her however, I was face to face with the man, whom I now knew to be a mafia boss. I shivered, which made the man chuckle. "What? I thought you would be happy to see me again?~" He teased, his voice such a delightfully low tone I could listen to it all day.

I shook my head, making the other frown as I steeled my nerves. "O-of course I am! Well, what can I get for you?" I asked, wanting to divert the attention off of me.

"Can I order your number, beautiful?~" He asked, his voice seemingly dropping by an octave as he spoke. I shivered, liking the sound, but focused on my work. "While that is quite flattering, it's not on the menu. Even so, I fear I'll have to decline. I've only just met you after all." I answered truthfully, sighing internally at my success at sounding as professional as possible.

He frowned at that, forcing me to hold back a giggle at the gesture. "Anyhow, what can I get you and your friend here to drink?" I asked once more, hoping to get a proper response this time around. "I'd like a screwdriver on the rocks to start off." He nudged his friend in the side, nodding at me as the guy wasn't paying attention, seemingly staring somewhere other than my face. I wanted to facepalm myself, but I held back, writing down the first drink. It was surprisingly mild for a guy like him. "I'd like sex on the beach.. with you~" He added the last part, wriggling his eyebrows to which I cringed.

The man seemed to not like his friend's wording, to which the white-haired guy earned a smack upside the head from him. I snickered a bit, thanking them before turning around, ready to make them their orders. After all, I was on a schedule and at work for god's sake! I need to get a better hold of myself. Plus... I can't like either of them. I know what bad boys like them want. After all, they are all just horrible men. I frowned, although they couldn't see it, moving back to the shelfs that held our alcohol collection.

I felt their eyes on me, watching my every move intently. After I finished, I smiled as politely as possible, handing them their drinks. I watched as they sipped their drinks cautiously, their eyes widening when the sloshing liquid made contact with their lips. The both simultaneously removed it from their lips, licking them. I turned away, having been called by another man who wished to order from me. I put on my best smile again, trying my best to make it as genuine as possible, despite my somewhat ruined mood, which was solely my fault. He smiled back at me, ordering a bloody Mary with a side of strawberry. Sweet, but I liked it. And, since I was allowed to, but not too much, I copied the drink. Just, that the copy would be for myself.

The night went on without further instances, as the two that I had.. bumped into, left. I was glad that they did, since I managed to cool down and get back into the flow of work. I finished, sending out the last of our guests, aka my bestie and two others, before locking the front doors and going to change. I changed into my outfit from the morning, greatful that I had a long coat as the night was cold.

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