Chapter four:

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He tilted his head. "Icing?"

I gasped, feeling my jaw drop. "Have you never tried icing before? No, there's no way you haven't, you might have not know what it's called." I mumbled aloud, getting to making the icing. I was going to let him try it to get his opinion on it.

I grabbed the necessary ingredients, getting to making it as he watched. I didn't really need him to do anything, just to be my taster. After the thick, still somewhat liquid concoction was finished, I grabbed the bowl and held it out to him. He eagerly dipped his finger inside, touching it to my lips as he smeared it there, before leaning down to lick it off. I stood rooted to the spot, nearly dropping the bowl.

'I barely knew the guy and- oh God. It's like with the mafia boss! What if he's one too? Just under disguise as a flourist-?!' I shook my head from the thoughts, watching as he backed away, licking his lips.

"Delectable." I couldn't help but blush a deep red at his wording. It felt like we were a married couple cooking together.

I placed the bowl donw onto the counter, staring at him. He seemed to get it, gently grabbing my hips as he hauled me closer, crashing his lips to mine. I grabbed onto his broad shoulders, entwining one of my hands in the back of his hair. The kiss quickly became passionate and heated, and I started to realize just what it was I was missing out on. But it made me wonder, why now? Of all times, why did the guys have to come now?

My train of thoughts was effortlessly swept away as his muscled hands started tracing my back, moving around and tickling me. I giggled into the kiss, unable to hold it back. I watched as he smirked, using one hand to hook at my button-up, roughly pulling it down and effectively popping the first button open. I gulped, unable to move as he slowly made his way lower.

He managed to distract me with another hungry kiss however, picking me up and placing me onto the counter before making his way between my legs. I was greatful that I was wearing pants and not a skirt, otherwise it would have been much more awkward. He gripped the back of my head, tilting it before diving down again, biting my lower lip with a deep, throaty growl. I felt my knees turn to jelly, shivers rushing up and down my spine at the deep, resonating sound.

Just when he was about to open my button up blouse, the egg timer chimed, signaling that the cakes were done. I blushed an insane red as I gently pushed him away, getting down to get the cake out of the oven. I grabbed two cloths and did it old-style by grabbing the hot forms and getting them out. Once I removed them from the oven, I turned the forms upside-down, tapping the rim against the counter until the cake popped out, same going for the rest of the batch.

I felt his presence right behind me as I worked to place the first piece onto parchment paper, grabbing the bowl with frosting I had made beforehand and filling a pipe with it. I could feel his arms low on my waist as our backs gently collided, my lean body fitting perfectly with his rigid edges. I almost let out a purr at the sensation, doing my best to concentrate on the cakes.

I felt something soft rubbing itself against my leg, when I noticed my cat. I was surprised that he wasn't hissing. Usually, when I brought over people that aren't my best friend or family, he'd make sure to let them know they weren't welcome, but he seemed to like the guy. I felt as his head, which was resting atop mine, moved to look down at our feet.

"You have a cat?" I giggled, and Mr. Scruffy mewled in response, looking up at him before also circling the man's legs. "Wow, didn't know I did." I spoke with playfull sarcasm, catching him 'tch' before he broke into a fit of deep chuckling. I joined, having placed the piping bag down for a bit.

Then, breaking free from his warm embrace, I bent down to scratch him behind his ears, grabbing one of the wet food packets I had placed aside for today, shaking it before him. His eyes followed the metallic colored bag, before he walked back off to his bowl, nudging it with his paw. Mike stared at the cat in awe, as if he were surprised that he knew what I needed to do.

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