
292 4 54

TW: Referenced child abuse, weaponry, suicide

The boy picked up his pencil with his shaky hand and attempted to write his name at the top.


He then began to write the date.

June 9th, 2014

He looked up at the girl across the table from him. His sister. Although they look nothing alike and not even related by blood, that was his sister and he would do anything for her. Even if it meant that he would get slapped across his face. It was fine. He was used to it.

Vee's tears slowly fell down her golden honey cheeks.

At least she's quiet, " Hunter thought. " It would be bad if Uncle saw this, "

"What's wrong?" Hunter softly asked. He needed to make sure that they weren't heard. Vee didn't look up. She looked stuck in place. Hunter placed a hand on hers and she flinched. She looked up ad wiped her eyes.

"Oh. I just remembered something," Vee whispered.


"Something before I came here," Vee responded in a soft voice.

That was the first time Vee had ever mentioned something from before she came. She hadn't lived there as long as Hunter. She came a little less than a year ago. Hunter had lived there as long as he can remember, over seven years.

But Vee? When she first came, she was terribly sick. She was nauseous most of the time and had terrible headaches. She had small scars along her small body. She wouldn't let Hunter get close to her and had an odd marking under her right wrist.


Vee wouldn't tell him. She wouldn't speak to him until around her sixth week of living there.

She was sort of young too. She came when she was around three years old. She was perfectly capable of speaking but she was so quiet. Uncle didn't like that. He had outbursts in which he would scream at Vee to make her speak. When she finally did, Uncle made her be quiet.

Hunter's mind came back to reality when he heard footsteps. He turned around and saw his uncle standing in the doorway.

"I'll be heading to work now, Darius will be here soon," Phillip said in a calm voice. "Don't forget to finish your work,"

"After work, can you play with us?" Vee asked as she continued working.

"Of course," Phillip said as she gave a small kiss on Vee's head. He left the room and Hunter heard the front door close. He stayed at the table, continuing on his work, just to make sure he was really gone. Then there was a knock on the bedroom door.

"Little Prince?" A man knocked on the door. He opened the door and Hunter ran straight to his arms and gave him a hug. They stayed like that for a while.

"I've missed you," Hunter finally says.

"Me too," Darius responded. Darius hasn't visited in months because of what happened last time. Darius had accused Philip of starving the children, especially Hunter. He was far too light and thin for his age.

Vee was coloring on a piece of paper, she wasn't bothered by Darius at all. They weren't that close, they had only met a handful of times before.

Darius set Hunter down.

"I have someone here, a good friend of mine, she's coming to meet you two," Darius said.

"Are they nice? Will she come to draw with us?" Vee asked, looking directly into Darius's eyes.

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