The Day

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TW: Mentioned abuse

Hunter wrapped an arm around Vee as they sat silently in a cold room. There was no noise except the distinct noise of arguing. It had been hours since the incident, and Hunter felt tired.

"I'm tired," Vee mumbled. "When will this be done?"

"I dunno," Hunter responded. He stared forwards and focused on a scrap on the desk in the back of the room.

"What do you mean I can't foster them?" Darius asked. The man sighed and rubbed his temples.

"We cannot let you due to your record, we worry for the safety of the children," the man told him.

"My RECORD?" Darius raised his voice. "What's on my record?"

"I'm sorry, we cannot tell you that," the man said. Darius groaned.

"What's going to happen to them?" Darius asked.

"They'll be sent to the community home until someone fosters or adopts them," The man responded.

"What if I get someone to foster them, someone who doesn't have a record?" Darius asked.

"They'll have to come here and fill out paperwork to make sure they are legible to do so," he explained, "Once they are, we'll give further information,"

Darius thought about it. What if he could get someone, someone whom he trusts, to at least foster the kids?

"Now, Mr. Deamonne, please leave the room so we can continue with our work," the man said as he guided him out the door. Darius was put in a room where other people were, a waiting room. He sat in a chair in the corner and pulled out his phone to call someone.

"Hola," the voice answered.

"Camila, we need to talk," Darius sternly said.

"So you want me to..." Camila's voice faded.

"To foster them at the least," Darius continued. Camila went silent.

"I've known you since we were kids, Camila, I trust you the most," Darius stated.

"Why not Alador and Odalia? They have kids AND the money?" Camila asked.

"No offense to Alador, but Odalia is a bitch," Darius said.

"Yeah, I guess that's not entirely false," Camila mumbled. She thought about it. Her adopting two more kids? Hunter and Vee were lovely kids, but to adopt them? There was nothing wrong and she would love to, but Manny's death was too recent and it felt too soon.

But maybe it was a sign, a sign from Manny. That everything was going to be okay.

"I'll adopt them," Camila said in a stern voice.

"Thank you so much, Camila, this means a lot," Darius breathed out in joy. "Just send in the papers as soon as possible, okay?"

"I will, don't worry," Camila responded. She hung up before Darius could say anything else.

She was doing it, huh? Adopting two kids that she had only known for a few hours.

"I guess I am," Camila muttered as she opened her laptop.

After waiting weeks and weeks for approval, Camila finally got the call.

She was going to adopt Hunter and Vee.

Her heart raced in excitement as she began planning the things she needed to do. First, she needed to tell Luz. That would be easy, Luz loves meeting new people. Second, she would need to tell her friends and family. Third, she needs to get the house ready.

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