the adventures of schooling

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ok heres a chapter that kinda sucks, sorry about it. I lost motivation for this story and it turned into the opposite direction of what I wanted but I feel bad for the people who read it bc I was going to stop writing it but I decided against it.

"Where are my shoes?" Luz pondered as she searched through the closet to find her brand-new light-up sneakers. It took a lot of convincing for Camila to get. Meanwhile, Camila dug through the clothes, helping the kids find a back-to-school outfit. School started the next day, and getting approved and accepted was a long process.

"Check the kitchen, mija!" Camila called out from the bedroom. She pulled out a blue t-shirt with various Pokémon printed on the front and showed it to Hunter. "This one?"

Hunter nodded. "Here, go fold that and set it on the craft table," Camila asked as she handed him the clothes. She then searched through different drawers to find clothes for Vee. After a bit of looking, Vee settled on a light yellow blouse and leggings.

"Found them!" Luz squealed excitedly as she returned to the bedroom with her sneakers.

"Good, otherwise you would've gone to school without shoes," Camila jokes, resulting in laughter from all the kids.

"Can I still wear my hair clips to school?" Vee curiously asked, pointing to the clips in her hair. One thing about Vee is that she loves hair clips. According to Darius, nearly every time he would visit them, he would always bring some sort of accessory for her. Usually, it would be hair clips or little jewels she could stick onto her face, although he stopped giving facial jewels after Philip called her a 'worshiper of Satan' and attempted to cleanse her afterward.

"Of course! You have so many pretty clips, you don't want them to go to waste, don't you?" Camila responded. Vee shyly giggled at the compliment. Vee grabbed her box of clips and started to pick out the ones she wanted to wear.

"Do you want to wear one too, Luz?" the girl asked, holding a little blue one as an example.

"No thank you," Luz responded, "My hair is too curly for them."

Luz waved her hand through her short curls as an example. After Camila made sure everything was ready, she double-checked all the backpacks. As she was checking the bags, she overheard a conversation the children were having.

"Why do you and your mom speak funny?" Hunter asked. "Is it a secret language?"

"No!" Luz giggled. "We speak Spanish. I'm not exactly sure why, but it's our language. Like English."

"So you know two languages?" Vee questioned, picking at her hair. Luz nodded as she continued staring at the television.

"I guess it's like a secret language because no one at school really knows it," Luz shrugged. Both sat in silence as they watched My Little Pony.

"Are you excited to go to school?" Luz asked Vee.

"I guess. I have never been to school before. My uncle would teach us at home," Vee explained as she fiddled with her hair.

"Huh, well, I go to a different school but now I will be going to the same school as you guys. Also Willow will be there," Luz excitedly shook her leg as she continued talking about school. "But we won't be in the same class."

"Yeah, I know. But me and Hunter will," Vee responded to Luz, turning her head to Hunter.

"Will Gus be there?" Hunter turned around to ask Camila. Camila held in a stifled laugh.

"No, Gus is still a toddler. He wont be at school for a another few years," Camila explained to Hunter. Over the past month, Gus and his father had come over a few times. Same with Willow, but Amity hasn't been over in a while. Usually, Hunter would play with Gus or watch TV with him.

"Alright, I think everything is packed," Camila muttered to herself.


"Are we almost there?" Luz was practically jumping around the car, even if she was buckled in her seat.

"Almost," Camila glanced at the mirror showing the backseat. She put all the backpacks in the back and all three kids sat in the middle row. Although all three of them were excited about school, Luz was the most excited. She hadn't stop talking about school and she was certain Hunter and Vee were tired of only talking about school. But they did, since it made Luz happy.

Camila pulled into a parking lot. "Alrighty, we're here."

Luz squealed as she unbuckled her seatbelt. Camila helped the kids out of the car and opened the back to hand them their backpacks. First thing Luz noticed was that everyone was wearing uniforms, except a handful of kids weren't.

"Mama, why is everyone matching?" Luz asked as she tugged on her mom's sleeve.

"Kindergarteners don't need to wear uniforms, and Hunter's class doesn't need to as well," Camila explained. She closed the back door and they headed for the school. First, they had to drop Luz off at her class.

"Wow," Luz and Vee gazed in unison at the large school entrance. Camila led them to a smaller hall where the kindergarten classes were. The halls were swarmed with parents, teachers, and children. They had already been here on a tour, but seeing it filled with people was so much more stressful. Finally, they reached the last classroom down the hall: Luz's class.

"Bye!" Luz quickly said before she ran inside to Willow, who was waiting for her. Camila knew Luz wasn't much of a sentimental person so she didn't really expect her to cry like a bunch of the other kids on the hall were. Next stop: Hunter and Vee's classroom.

Their class was just all grades pushed together, but separate work. Instead of just one teacher, there were about three. Camila had asked about how many students were in it, and this year, there was fourteen kids in that class. Majority were younger, but a few were older fifth graders. The classroom was a little bigger than the other ones, but it seemed to accommodate Hunter and Vee. They stood outside the door as they both stared inside.

"You guys excited?" Camila cheerfully asked. Suddenly, Vee broke down in tears.

"I don't want to go," she cried. "You're not going to be there."

Camila scooped her up and held her. "I know, but Hunter will, and you guys will have so much fun! If you really don't want to go, I can take you home, but Hunter will be alone."

Vee looked down at Hunter who leaned against the wall, patiently waiting. Vee nodded and wiped the tears off her face.

"Just one day for now, okay? If you don't like it, you don't have to go tomorrow," Camila comforted her and set her down. She held Hunter's hand and walked inside the class. Camila waved as they walked inside.

As she walked back to the car, she sighed. Hopefully school went well for them, she doesn't want Odalia to rub in her face that she can't raise kids (Yes, she still cares about Odalia).

What Camila expected was maybe a call saying that one of them wanted to go home, or maybe one wasn't feeling well. What she didn't expect was to get a call about Hunter beating a kid up.

Excuse my Google Translate Spanish, please. If there's anything wrong with it, lmk please

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