Odalia's Party

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I wrote this during the great ao3 shutdown and I pratically lost my mind writing this chapter heheeheheehehhehe (back in like july)

Camila laid in her bed, her mind racing with thoughts. She thought of Eda, her dear friend from her school days, she hadn't seen her in quite a while. She ran away from home when they were younger, and that left such a negative impact on her sister as if she was the reason Eda ran away. All she knows about Eda is that she's basically a criminal now.

About five years before, Eda had reached out to Camila after finding out that she was pregnant with Luz. That was the last time they spoke. She hadn't even met Luz yet and most likely doesn't even know about her husband.

It wasn't the last time she was seen, Darius had told her that she still comes to visit Raine every now and then.

At the thought of Eda, she thought of Lilith. The sweet girl she sat with at lunch, the girl who wanted so hard to be successful and to be noticed by her parents. They spent their time with Eda and her illness. Lilith said she didn't care but Camila knew she did. She would freak out whenever she got anything lower than an A- and would always strive for the top, usually ending up with Lilith overworking and being exhausted.

Lilith, who promised that they would stay friends forever, became everything she promised to not be. A cold-hearted bitch who only works to be successful. She changed the way she looked as well. Her frizzy ginger hair turned into a straight deep navy blue color. Her glasses to contacts and her smile faded off. Her porcelain skin made her look like a doll.

"I promise you, she's different," Darius had told her earlier. There was a reunion happening later that day. Darius had told her to come with him, more people would be there and it would be great socializing for the kids. After arguing with Darius, she agreed to go only for the children.

Camila forced herself out of bed. After doing her morning routine, she slowly walked to the kitchen and saw the time.

12:23 PM

She immediately turned from the kitchen and raced to the kid's room to make sure they were awake. She needed to get them dressed as the reunion begins at a quarter past one. It already takes a while to get there because it's held at the Blight Manor.

To her surprise, the kids were awake and dressed. They sat at the art table not doing anything.

"What's this?" Camila awkwardly chuckled as she slowly moved towards them.

"Hunter said that we're going somewhere at 1:30 and he had us get dressed," Luz yawned, her hair still a mess. Hunter sat very still in his seat, not saying anything. Over the course of the past two weeks, he had said two words: I'm sorry and Thank you.

"I'll go get dressed and you guys can go put on a movie for now, okay?" Camila told them. She quickly threw some actual clothes on and straightened her hair. It looked a little messy but she needed to go fast.

She was told there was going to be food at the event so Camila grabbed a handful of granola bars from the kitchen cabinets and handed them to the kids. She grabbed her keys, purse, and kids and hurried into the car. It was about to be 1:20 and it already took half an hour to get there.

As she backed out of the driveway, the questions started.

"Are we there yet?" Luz asked.

"Not yet, mija, it'll take a while," Camila responded.

"How long?" Vee asked.

"Around thirty minutes," Camila replied.

Thirty long minutes later, they finally arrived. Camila thought it was a normal party but as she pulled into the enormous mansion, she saw that people were getting out of their cars and employees were taking the cars to get parked. As they got closer, she saw that the guests were dressed in formal clothing, unlike the t-shirt and sweatpants she tossed on.

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