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Seymour's pov (t.w a little blood)
I was sitting in the store it was a pretty normal day. Not alot of people come by or even no people. me and Audrey just sitting around and take care of the plants. Audrey seemed to be on edge for some reason. I tried to understand why but I couldn't figure out why until I noticed a black eye. I didn't know what to do , maybe it was to personal.

Hey Audrey are you okay. - Seymour

Yeah I am okay fine even, why - Audrey

I just saw the black eye so I wanted to know if everything was okay. - Seymour

Oh that its nothing don't worry. - Audrey

It seemed like a lie but if she didn't want to tell me I won't force her. I didn't know what to say next so I went back to work. At one point Mr Mushnik walked in complaining as always. About business and me not being good enough. Crystal, Ronette and Chiffon  walked in. leading to Mr Mushnik yelling at the three teens to go back to school, to them reaction of saying they dropped out early in school surprising him. I went down stairs to grab more gardening pots since we ran out. I got up to the last step but dropped all of them shattering instantly.

For the love of  all that's holy of course you have to make this day worse. - Mr Mushnik

I'm sorry Mr Mushnik I didn't mean to. - Seymour

Just clean it up not like anyone would ever see this mess. - Mr Mushnik

I actually have something to show you all let me go grab it. - Seymour

I ran down to the basement to grab it. As I was walking up the stairs I could hear them talking about Audrey's black eye. She said she got it from her boyfriend. He must be a terrible person if he hurt such a kind person like Audrey. I took the odd thing and put it on the table getting everyone's attention instantly.

What the hell is that? - Mr Mushnik

It's a weird plant I found on the day of the eclipse. It seems like a type of fly trap but I can't really figure out what she is. - Seymour

What will this do for the shop Seymour? - Mr Mushnik

Well if we put it in the window maybe people will come in and be interested in it they buy stuff. - Seymour

I placed down the plant in the window knowing this was a terrible idea but I hope it works. Of course Mr Mushnik had to voice his concerns , as in tell me how bad the idea is. In the middle of his ranting a man and woman walked in asking what the plant is and the name of it. I panicked and said it was called a Audrey 2. Everyone seemed surprised and I was dying inside from embarrassment. The man and woman changed the subject and bought all of the stores finest roses.

*Time skip*
At the end of the day it was the store was the most successful as it ever had been. Mr Mushnik told me to take care of the plants as usual. The thing is I have had this plant for almost 2 weeks and I couldn't figure out how to take care of it. I went back to the basement, after all it's were I live. I sat around a table thinking reading trying to figure out away to help this plant. After all what was I to do if it died. All I knew was that the plant was most likely female and carnivorous of some sort. Flipping through Page's I got a finger cut blood pouring out. I went to clean off my hand when I saw the plant opening up. Something was there that it wanted, but what was is? I looked around and realised that she wanted blood ! I didn't have any other ideas so let me hand bleed and gave it my blood . I just hope this doesn't become a habit....

Sup I am the person who made this if you like it or have any ideas please tell me I am kinda writing this as I think of it so if it is bad I am truly sorry about that
Bye (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠)

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