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The wedding date approached quickly. A week before the ceremony, Charlotte Plumb's family began to arrive. Her elder brother, accompanied by her two sisters, appeared in the station trap on a bright June afternoon. They tumbled out of the small conveyance and gawked at Everstow Manor.

"Horace!" Lottie exclaimed, rushing onto the front portico. Her brother swooped her into his arms and firmly kissed her on the mouth.

"Coo! You struck a gold mine here, lil' sis." The brother's voice echoed around the ample space. "Your fiancé must be worth a bob or two."

"Lucky for me, I'm fertile," Charlotte Plumb laughed uproariously. She continued to cling to her sibling in an overly familiar manner. She released herself and turned to her waiting sisters. "Close your mouths before you let the flies in. They don't like gawkers around here. They're very la-de-da."

"La-de-da," the two young women sighed, bumping shoulders.

Gray and I stumbled upon them as we sauntered around the corner on our afternoon stroll. When Charlotte noticed us, she hastened to beckon us to join them. At the sight of her flailing arms, we both pivoted to retreat. However, she continued to call, and trapped, we slowly approached.

"May I present my brother, Horace," Charlotte introduced, her voice haughtily nasal. "And my sisters, Bertha and Despina."

"Pleased to meet you, I'm sure." My brother stepped forward, extending his hand graciously. "Grayson David Everstow, at your service."

Charlotte and the two women stared at his outstretched hand disdainfully. Linking arms, they moved as a group toward the front door. Horace shadowed the trio. The door slammed in our faces as we attempted to follow them inside.

"How dare they!" I huffed, quaking with fury.

Gray did not respond. Instead, he opened the door and stood back for me to proceed before him. Inside, the foyer felt crowded with people. Papa rushed from his office to extend his personal greetings while Yates stood nearby. A look of disgust crossed the butler's face. I could understand his dismay.

Joel clattered down the swooping staircase and slid to a halt beside Charlotte. Placing his arm around her waist, he drew her close. Without warning, they tightened their embrace and kissed heartily.

"Well done, my man," Horace chortled, clapping Joel on the back hard. He laughed uproariously.

Instead of chastising the impertinence, my elder brother grinned widely. Astonishment crossed Papa's face, and then it flattened. Grayson and I edged closer to each other and grasped hands.

"Welcome to Everstow," our father greeted. "Our home is yours for as long as you wish to stay."

Inwardly, I cringed at his invitation. I realized they might take full advantage of the situation. However, my thoughts were interrupted by a sudden crash. Spinning, I noticed Despina standing above a shattered Ming vase. Yates rushed forward and stooped to pick up the pieces.

"Irreplaceable," the butler muttered to himself. "Thousands of years old. Priceless."

Behind him, Papa's face paled. The ancient vase had belonged to the family for several centuries. The prized possession meant a great deal to him.

"They always called me butterfingers," Despina chuckled merrily. "Too bad about your doo-dah." Shrugging, she stepped behind Bertha and buried her face in her sister's shoulder.

"Never mind," Charlotte shrugged nonchalantly. Swiftly, she turned to me. "Since you aren't doing anything, Prissy, show my brother and sisters to their rooms. Be a good little girl, will you?"

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