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Dinah invited Cassandra and me to attend the November Fifth bonfire. Uncle Everett pulled up at the front door with the vicarage trap, and we clambered aboard. We had a jolly time watching the revelers, but I missed the excitement of the previous year. Gray and I participated in the dancing and helped throw a guy into the flames. Still, it was fun to watch Cassie's expressions during the festivities.

"Don't they celebrate bonfire night in London?" my cousin asked.

"Oh, yes, they certainly do, but the coppers break it up," Cassie answered, rolling her eyes. "They hauled Horace off to jail one year and gave him a terrible clock on the head with a Billy club. He joined a gang that started a row. The fire got outta hand and burned up a greengrocers.

"Lottie took me once and threatened to throw me onto the bonfire if I didn't mind my Ps & Qs." The child frowned pensively. "I won't go with her again. She grabbed me by the arm and twisted it. Then she dragged me to the flames... A copper came by just then, and she had to stop."

"Some mother," I exclaimed hotly.

Uncle Everett gazed at me sharply, and I covered my mouth. Still, I couldn't help but think Lottie made a terrible mother. I wondered how little Jesse would endure her quick temper and sharp tongue.

Over the months, I had grown fond of my nephew. He spent most of his time in Mama's apartment under Jane's care. My mother enjoyed tending to her grandson, but I often wished Lottie would pay more attention to the baby. Whenever I had the chance, I spent an afternoon with him.

My eyes shifted back to the bonfire. Joel and Charlotte appeared and joined the festivities. They danced with abandon and clung to each other seductively. Dinah nudged me, and we watched wide-eyed as Lottie began to gyrate against my brother's body. Before they could become more closely entwined, Uncle Everett chirped to the horses, and we briskly returned to the vicarage.

"Aw, Papa, it was just getting fun," Dinah complained. "Could we have watched a little longer?"

"We watched long enough," the Vicar of Everstow answered curtly.

I understood that we left because of Joel's antics. However, the scene lingered in my mind for several hours afterward. I expected they would work themselves into a passion and sneak into the woods to find their sexual release.

My experiences with Spencer educated me about sexual intercourse. I understood my brother and sister-in-law's passions and wanted them for myself. Several months have passed since I visited Yorkshire. I thought of them fondly, particularly the moments Spence and I spent alone.

As the weeks and months passed, I both hoped and feared for the results of our passion. Finally, I began to expect that, indeed, those days may bear fruit. If it were the case, we might have to rush the wedding ceremony. In my secret heart, I wished it were true.

Cassie and I spent the night at the vicarage. Unable to sleep, we sat on Dinah's bed, rehashing the festivities, including Joel and Lottie's inappropriate behavior.

"Papa is highly indignant concerning their actions," my cousin proclaimed. "He intends to speak with Uncle Joel when he takes you home tomorrow."

"Indeed, they were embarrassing," I answered, hugging my pillow. "Their flamboyant actions only encourage the villagers to act similarly. Papa taught Joel to behave better than that. He should keep his self-esteem and become an example to others."

"It's just a lark," Cassie piped in. "And Charlotte so enjoys a lark."


Papa and Uncle Everett remained behind closed doors most of the following morning. The Vicar left at noon, refusing to stay for the midday meal. As soon as he left, father called Joel and Lottie into his office. When they finally emerged, the newly married couple appeared enraged.

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