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Miss Young backed off following my outburst. She stopped shadowing our movements. When Spencer and I rode out in the mornings, we frequently returned to the tarn. Our lovemaking thrilled me. Afterward, we galloped to the Elk for a mid-afternoon meal.

The old inn stood alone on the moor. The low-timbered ceiling caused Spencer to stoop when we entered. We lingered over our lunch and sampled the beer. Eagerly, I imagined returning following my wedding and spending hours in the isolated spot.

"I will take you to York," Spencer declared, leaning back in his chair. "You should see the ancient city and the minster. Perhaps Cordelia and Viola will join us. It will make a pleasant outing."

"Is the city far away?" I asked, sipping my beer.

"We should make it there and back in a day," my fiancé responded.

"I shall look forward to the outing," I responded, smiling.

I immensely enjoyed the visit. Spencer's family welcomed me with open arms, and I already felt part of them. In the afternoons, I wrote long letters to Grayson describing my adventures. He responded, telling me about his studies and his new friend. Although I missed my brother, I enjoyed my first journey away from home.

"I hope Grayson will return to Everstow in time for the wedding," I commented, weaving my fingers through Spencer's hand. "I wouldn't want him to miss the event." We sat in the garden arbor.

"I noticed you and your brother are very close," Spence answered, nudging me with his shoulder.

"Yes, I'm closer to Gray than Joel," I answered, frowning slightly. "I never could get close to my older brother. He always seemed aloof—like he wasn't a part of us. Papa favored him because he's the heir."

"There's a bit of a space between Benedick and me. Cordelia is a year younger than Mama had two babies who didn't survive," Spencer explained. "Viola came next, and another baby was between her and Ben."

"Mama wasn't supposed to have children or get married, for that matter. She had a bad heart, and the doctors warned against strenuous activity. She had Joel, Grayson, and me rather quickly, then became an invalid. I was the last straw, so to speak," I stated, frowning slightly.

Although I knew the reasons for my mother's affliction, she did not treat us as though we had caused her physical ailment. Papa and Mama both delighted in their children and, I believe, felt blessed to have us.

"Mama will love you as much as I do," I continued enthusiastically. "You will have to come and meet her before the wedding."

"It will delight me to meet your mother," Spence happily conceded. "I am sure she is as charming as her daughter."

I relaxed in his arms, secure in my love for him.

"Priscilla," Miss Young called, rushing toward us.

"The dragon summons the fair maiden," my fiancé remarked, frowning.

I stood abruptly. Something in the tone of the governess's voice startled me. I feared terrible news.

"It's Mrs. Charlotte," Claudia Young exclaimed, stopping before me. She panted for a moment and caught her breath. "The baby has arrived...early. Your father requests your immediate presence."

"Oh humbug," I cried, exasperated about having my vacation cut short. "Is it a male child or a female?"

Miss Young frowned momentarily. Then she shook her head.

"Oh dear." I retook my seat beside Spencer. "Something must have gone wrong. I expect we must leave directly."

Late in the evening, Miss Young and I boarded the London-bound train. We arrived at Everstow station the following morning. Hurriedly, we took the waiting trap and raced homeward. Papa awaited us at the front door.

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