Chapter 2: the Coronation and the Betrayal

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The Day of the Coronation in the Kresian Kingdom

Genesis is suddenly awakened by the sounds of bells that rang throughout the halls of the palace. She sits up in her comfy bed to take in the bright sunlight of the morning. It's time for me to be crowned King today, and time for me to celebrate my twentieth birthday. I hope Zach makes it soon, I miss him...

"Princess!" Ada's voice spoke loudly as she entered Genesis' room. "It's time to get up and get ready for your celebration today!" She makes her way towards Genesis.

"Ada, I'm feeling quite worried this morning." Genesis suddenly said as she carefully slid out of her bed. "What if Zach doesn't come? I was hoping to hear back from him soon, but it's been weeks since I've seen him, and he hasn't sent me a message."

Ada softly grasps Genesis' hands to lead her towards the vanity. Genesis follows along, then sits in the comfy chair that faces the vanity. "Princess, do not worry so much. I'm sure he will be here to see you get crowned and to wish you a wonderful birthday."

Genesis slumps her shoulders a bit, then quickly straightens her posture. "You're right Ada, I have other things to worry about at the moment."

A few other maids burst into Genesis' room with a jewelry box and the beautiful dress Genesis had picked out the day before. Ada starts to style Genesis' hair, while a few other maids prepared her clothing and makeup. Genesis' eyes widen in surprise to see the beautiful shoes that will compliment her dress quite well.

"Those shoes are beautiful..." Genesis says under her breath.

Ada smiles at Genesis before whispering. "They're also quite comfortable, your highness."

Genesis smiles back at Ada. "Perfect, let's carry on then." She says as Ada continues to do her hair. 

Ada suddenly sniffles a bit with teary eyes as she fixed up Genesis' hair. Genesis looks at Ada through the mirror, feeling a bit worried. "Ada? Is something wrong?" Genesis softly said.

"Nothing, I just-I'm so proud of you." Ada replied with a smile.

Genesis turns to Ada, then softly grasps her hand. "Thank you, Ada. For everything."


"Andres, my darling. All the decorations and food for the celebration is all prepped in the ballroom, are you ready to go out to sit on the throne?" Queen Adeline says as she steps into the King's office.

Queen Adeline wore a beautiful, light blue, long sleeved silk dress. The dress' tail was quite long with a gold sewn design of a phoenix at the end of it. The King wore his light blue suit with gold accents to match her.

"Adeline, my beautiful love, you, as always look breathtaking." King Andreas said as he walked over to his Queen. He placed a soft kiss on her cheek, which made Adeline smile.

Gallien glanced at them with a soft smile, then turned his attention away from them. Andreas looked towards Gallien. "Gallien, come, it's time for us to head to the ballroom." Andreas announced with a smile.

"Of course, your majesty." Gallien replied before bowing his head.

Andreas gives Gallien a look, which causes him to stop in his tracks. "Gallien, we're friends, call me by my name." He says, which makes Gallien chuckle softly. "You should be used to it by now."

"Alright, let us start to head towards the ballroom, Andreas." Gallien softly said before walking out the office with Andreas following behind him. 

Adeline watches them walk out, which makes her smile gleefully. The two men glance back at her to let her walk before them. 

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