Chapter 4: the West and the North

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Daniel and Genesis had traveled on the west roads till the sun set beyond the mountains. Daniel suddenly stops as they are about to enter the entrance of the forest that would lead them closer to the west lands of the Sonia Kingdom. He looks at Genesis, tilting his head to signal that she must follow behind him slowly. As the two make their way into the forest, Genesis finds a little hidden clearing near the road hidden behind tall shrubs and large trees. 

"Daniel, did you want to stop for the night?" Genesis asked as she followed behind him. "The sun is setting, and it will be dark soon."

Daniel stops in his tracks, then turns Diamond around to face Genesis and Pearl. "That's a good idea, Gen. We'll stop for now, but soon we must leave first thing tomorrow." He follows Genesis to the clearing she saw, and quickly makes sure they are hidden from the road. 

Genesis and Daniel tie the horses onto a small tree stump before getting refreshments out to feed the horses. Genesis unpacks the tent, blankets, and pillows that her mother had packed for them. As she sets everything up, she looks over at Daniel who suddenly starts collecting branches that are scattered around the floor. 

"Are you going to make a fire?" Genesis asked him as he started to pile up the branches together on top of a dry patch of dirt. 

Daniel walks over to his satchel to grab a piece of flint to start the fire. "Yes, I am, that way you won't be cold during the night." He says to her before slamming the flint against a rock to get a spark for the fire.

Genesis watched in amazement as Daniel's spark suddenly lit up the branches with a huge blaze of flames. The fire kept growing, making the air around it warmer by the second. Genesis shudders as she feels the warmth on her cold fingertips. She reaches in her satchel to pull out the bread and jar of jelly spread that was packed for them. 

"Here Daniel, there is some bread for us, and we also have some jelly to go with it." Genesis says, handing half of the bread to him.

Daniel takes the half from her, while letting her spread jelly on it. "Thank you, Gen." He replied with a smile before devouring the half piece of bread with jelly on it. 

Genesis also pulls out an uncooked piece of pork wrapped in a cloth that would be able to feed them for two days or more. Daniel looks at Genesis as she unwraps the cloth to reveal the uncooked pork. 

"Gen, eat the pork once it's done, alright?" Daniel said, taking the pork from her to cook it, but Genesis quickly takes it back from him.

"No, we will eat it together, alright?" Genesis says before taking the pork to cook it herself. She looks up at him with a smile. "We have to take care of each other during this journey of ours, okay?"

Daniel cracks out a small laugh. "Well, can you pay attention to flipping the meat then? I don't want to eat burnt pork." He replied to her with a little smirk.

Genesis' eyes shot wide open when the pork started to smoke a bit. She quickly rotates the pork on the fire. "DANIEL! Why didn't you say anything!? This is so embarrassing!"

Daniel laughs loudly as she struggles to rotate the meat. The meat cooks for another 30 minutes before Daniel takes it off the fire. He takes his small bladed knife to cut pieces for Genesis. "Looks like it's a little over cooked on one side..." Daniel chuckles out to tease Genesis a bit. 

Genesis rolls her eyes before nudging him playfully. "Shut your darn sassy mouth and eat up." She scolds him, then takes a bite of the pork slices. 

Daniel gives her a gleeful smile before taking a slice of meat she held in her hand. They continued to eat the pork until there was nothing left. Daniel suddenly stood up. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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