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Percy Pov:

It was two weeks after the end of the war with Gaea and Percy just wanted the fates to give him a break. But NOOOO! There just had to be an attack on camp!

*5 minutes before*

Percy and Annabeth were eating dinner at the pavilion and having a nice chat when a conch horn rang. (A/N I forgot how they signaled attacks lol) Chiron came trotting in with a look of worry on his face. "Attention campers! There has been a slight problem."

"Like what?" Percy questioned.

"Like the barrier being breached child."

Aw great, he thought. The best way to spend the end of my summer vacation. 

There was a great deal of chattering while the demigods quickly filed out of the dining pavilion. Percy caught phrases such as "How did this happen?" and "What! I'm about to kill someone! I was in the middle of dinner!"

Percy and Annabeth ran out the pavilion and to Half-Blood Hill. There was at least a hundred monsters of many kinds. There were some dracanae at the border which was looking weaker every second. Percy guessed they maybe had a minute before they broke through and invaded camp.

"You ready?" Annabeth asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Percy replied.

The dracaenae broke through just as Annabeth gave him a quick peck on the lips. More monsters  than he could count came piling through. There were dracanae, telekhines, and more. Percy even thought he spotted the Minotaur and a hydra somewhere in there.

Percy and Annabeth charged into battle and all hell broke loose.

All kinds of colors clashed when the battle began. Percy was fighting a telkhine when he heard something behind him. He quickly slashed through the telekhine and turned to face the Minotaur.

"Hey old buddy! Back for round 3?" Percy asked.

He just snarled.

"So are we gonna fight or just stare at each other?"

The Minotaur charged. Before he knew it Percy jumped to the side and slashed with riptide. The monster disintegrated before him. He then ran right into the pack of monsters and continued to fight.

The battle went on for what felt like days, though in all reality it had only been an hour. After all the monsters were defeated, the demigods turned to face Chiron who was announcing something.

"Attention heroes! Excellent work defeating the army. Thankfully only three people were hurt. There will be a counselor meeting after we dismiss to bed."

✨time skippy✨

Percy was looking around for Annabeth, but he didn't see her. "Had she been hurt?" he thought frantically. He eventually decided that she was probably already waiting for him at the meeting.

Percy quickly hurried to where the meeting was taking place. He scanned the room for Annabeth but she wasn't there. "WHERE IS SHE?" he demanded.

"Um, about that..." Will started.

"TAKE ME TO HER NOW!" Percy shouted.

Will took a worried Percy to the infirmary where he immediately spotted Annabeth lying on a cot with bandages over her side. "What happened?" Percy questioned.

"A young camper was about to get sliced in half by a empousai, but i jumped in front of them." she responded.

"Oh ok." Said Percy. He didn't know what to say. He just hoped she was alright.

Percy stayed with Annabeth all night. He didn't leave her bedside even after she begged him to go get some sleep. Currently, he was watching her sleep. "She looks so beautiful when she sleeps," he thought. He just wanted to stay in that moment for the rest of his life.

A/N Sooooooo tell me how I did! I won't be offended if it's bad seeing as I've never written a book before. 


593 words

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