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This takes place while Annabeth is in college and Percy is an Olympic Swimmer btw! Also they are 22 years old. They're also married, but nobody knows.

Annabeth Pov

I was studying for an upcoming exam in my architecture class when I received an email. Apparently there was a speaker coming to my university to give a talk about something, and my godsdammed professor required that we go in order to pass the class. I checked the date of the event, and it was September 27, which also happens to be Percy and I's wedding anniversary. I got up while thinking to myself, "Ugh I already have class that day, and now this! It's my anniversary for Hera's sake."

I then got up and texted Percy.

(P is Percy and A is Annabeth duh)

A: Hey. :(

P: hey what's wrong?

A: I have class and an event I have to attend on our anniversary.  :(

P: nooooo why must the fates be so cruel!!

A: I honestly don't know.

P: well what time do you have stuff at?

A: I have a 2 hour class at 8:30, and the ceremony is at 11.

P: at least we'll have the rest of the day to celebrate! Im gonna take you out to lunch so be ready!

A: I'm going to*

P: who cares?? Bye wise girl <3

A: I care. Bye Seaweed Brain!

✨time skippy✨

The day had finally came. September 27. Our 1 year wedding anniversary. I just had a class then a ceremony to get through before I could spend the rest of the day with my Seaweed Brain. I kissed a sleeping Percy on the forehead then got out of bed to take a shower. I quickly showered then got out and got dressed. I walked out to see Percy sitting on the bed staring at the wall.

"Hey," I say to him as I sit down.

"Hey," he says as he wraps his strong arms around me.

"Happy anniversary," I say as I kiss him on the lips.

After we broke apart, I went to finish getting ready. I went and blow-dried my hair, and finished my morning routine. I walked into the kitchen to see Percy looking hot while making pancakes. Blue of course. I walk up behind him and give him a big hug. He then turns around and gives me a peck on the lips.

"I can't believe we've been married for a year now," he says breaking the silence.

"Me either! It feels like yesterday we were meeting for the first time," I respond.

"Hungry?" He asks while handing me a plate filled with blue pancakes. I greedily take them and start eating them instantly. Percy really is a great chef. He then comes sit next to me as we eat breakfast in a comfortable silence. 

After we're done eating, Percy asks, "You ready to go?"

"Yep" I reply. 

We get into Percy's blue Toyota and start the drive to my college. When we got there, Percy gave me a kiss and said, "Have a great day! I might want to get out of here before someone recognizes me.

I smile, say "ok," and walk away to my class.

When I get there people are questioning the professor on who the speaker later will be. He quickly refuses to answer them saying it will be a "surprise."

The two hours pass and I'm walking on my way to the assembly hall when I get a phone call. It was my friend Vanessa.

(V= Vanessa A= Annabeth)

V: HEY! Did you hear the rumors about who is speaking later?

A: No. Who do people think it's gonna be?

V: I heard that it was going to be the Olympic swimmer Percy Jackson. Wouldn't that be great if he came? He's just so hot!

A: That would be unexpected if he came, and he's not that hot!(it isn't right to lie Annie)

V: cmon! You really think he's ugly?

A: I didn't say that!

V: We'll anyway I'm almost there. See you in five minutes?

A: See you!

*end phone call*

I walk into the assembly hall and there are tons of people. I guess whoever is speaking is famous or something. I find a seat towards the middle and flag down Vanessa when she walks in. She's only here because she didn't want me to have to go alone. 

5 minutes later the dean walked up to a podium in the front and started talking.

"Thank you all for coming today! I'm gonna keep this introduction short and simple. I welcome to the stage, Mr. Jackson."

My eyes suddenly widen, and I can tell Vanessa notices but she doesn't say anything.

Percy walks towards the podium with his unmistakable smug grin. When he gets there he starts talking.

"Welcome guys. As you probably know, my name is Percy Jackson. What you probably don't know is that I have both ADHD and dyslexia, which caused me to struggle greatly in school. I came here today to inform you about a project I'm starting. We are going to start a program to open schools for other mentally challenged individuals. This school will be a nonprofit  organization funded by donations. At this school we want to help students get the best possible education they can. That is our mission. I would like to ask everybody here today to do something. All I want is for each and every person here today to go out and help someone. It can be as simple as holding the door open. Um, well that's really it, but I have one more thing. I would like to invite my wife to the stage."

At this a bunch of snobby girls ran up to the stage. Percy dismissed them then walked back up to the microphone.

"Can my actual wife come up please?"

I slowly got up and made my way to the stage. I heard many gasps, and an especially big one from Vanessa. I walk up to Percy and give him a peck on the lips.

"Hey guys! This is my wife Annabeth, and I would like to wish her a very happy anniversary!"

I smiled at him, then we walked out of their hand in hand.

✨time skippy✨

Percy was taking me out to lunch, but I didn't know where. We get in the car and drive for what feels like forever until we pull to a stop at an empty park. We get out and sit down with our picnic basket. Percy just smiles at me and says, "Surprise."

Whew! That was long! Over a thousand words! I'm so proud of myself. 

Make sure to tell me what you thought of this one!!


 1076 words

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