I'd rather die!

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This is based off of a true story..... this totally wasn't me that did this....

(Annabeth's POV)

You'd think I'd get a break.

The worst day of my life started out great. I ate some eggs for breakfast and was in a great mood. Eggs are just so great.. I could eat them all day any day. Wait, I need to get back to the story. 

So anyways my morning was amazing. We need to timeskip to lunch. I was hungry for lunch and all I wanted was some pizza. So Percy and I decided to drive to this pizza place. Well, you could say the drive wasn't that bad.

But the thing is, it was.

We got on the interstate and we were just enjoying the ride. Perfect weather, my favorite song on the radio, everything was great.

Until it happened.

Percy was driving, and I was just chilling in the passenger seat. I was looking at my phone, and didn't have a care in the world other than the fact that I really wanted pizza. I was really hungry. I feel something on my arm, but I just waved it away as my mind playing tricks on me. Then, I  felt something crawling on my arm again.

I got ready to smush a bug, but instead when I looked down I screamed for my life. 

Crawling on my arm was a big, hairy, spider. (A/N: I'm heavily dramatic so it probably wasn't that big but to me that's gigantic) I instantly started freaking out. 

"WHAT'S WRONG?!" Percy yelled, startled at my sudden scream.


"Kill it then!" He responded without thinking.

I'm freaking out right now. "I CAN'T," I screamed. "I CAN'T WILLINGLY TOUCH THE DEVIL SPAWN!"

After my outburst I realized that the spider was gone. I started to calm down when Percy spoke, "I thought you were dying for a second there." 

Without hesitation I said back, "Well, I'd rather die than be in an enclosed space with a spider."

He gave me a kiss on the cheek while keeping an eye on the road. "I hope that spider is gone forever." 

"You and me both."

I looked down at the ground to see where the spider had ended up and if it was dead. At first, I didn't see anything, then I spotted it on the floor. It looked dead to me so I stopped hyperventilating. "That was a close one."

"Yea. You ready for pizza?" He asked me.

"Yes!!!! I'm so ready," I exclaimed.

Minutes later I looked down at the place where the dead spider had been, but to my surprise the spider was gone. To this day I am still haunted thinking "Maybe this spider is still alive and looking for me somewhere."

Okayyyyy. Short and sweet. I enjoyed writing it, and I hope you enjoy reading it!! How are you doing today???? Okay!! ILY BYE!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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