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Lying on his bed lazily, the brunette glanced at his window, which was partially opened. He turned, his head dangling off the bed. 

"Aren't you bored."

The brunette's eyes opened immediately, sitting up but hitting another's forehead instead. Dazai winced as he rubbed his forehead in pain. When he did open his eyes and got off the bed, he saw the ginger on his floor, holding his forehead silently as he held his forehead in pain as well but it seemed more painful.

Dazai quickly got off, supporting the other as he apologised, "Sorry, I didn't see you."

Chuuya nodded slightly, finally taking his hand off his head.

"I'm....I'm fine." The red head muttered as he sat on the brunette's bed, sighing.

Dazai chuckled and immediately connected lips with the ginger who kissed back just as passionately.

"How was Yuan today?" The ginger hummed, pulling the brunette into a kiss again.

"An annoying bitc-"
The brunette was cut off with yet another kiss.

"You always say that. Shouldn't there be some good in her?"

"If asking me ridiculous questions or maybe praising flowers was a good point."

The ginger raised a brow before laughing as the brunette snaked his arms around the ginger, kissing Chuuya over and over again.

Nipping on the ginger's neck gently, Chuuya hand twitched as he pushed the other away lightly.

"Not now."

"Why not? My father is gone with multiple guards. The only guards are at the entrance."

The ginger avoided the others gaze and leaned against the brunette who looked confused at the Ginger's reaction.

"Thou shall not be awake." The ginger muttered, barely audible to the other. The brunette took a while to understand what he meant, but by the time he realised what the ginger was doing, he wavered and collapsed onto the floor. 

The ginger checked for the other's pulse and bit his lip. He fished out rope from his backpack and using a spell, the rope blinded itself tightly around the other's wrists and feet.

The ginger reluctantly looked at the other as he pulled the brunette close to him as smoke engulfed the both of them.


Walking through the hallway, the raven haired knocked on his son's door, awaiting a response but heard nothing instead. Mori raised a brow as he turned the knob and pushed the door open.

Upon seeing no one inside, his eyes widened as he turned to the guard who was following behind him.

"Did you see Dazai?"

"Not at all, your majesty. He hadn't left his room since you left."

Mori's eyes narrowed as he turned, briskly walking down the stairs and towards the entrance.

Having the guards reassure him that his son hadn't left the castle, he announced.

"Sent a search team, my son is missing."

As the brunette's eyes fluttered open, the first thing he noticed was the smell of blood. Dazai's eyes opened wide as he sat up. Finding himself binder and in a room by himself.

Where was he? He was with Chuuya and then....the ginger placed a sleeping spell on him.

The brunette sighed, deciding not to think of anything accept leaving this room. Noticing that the ropes were tied skillfully, the brunette resulted in trying in vain to reach the dagger at his waist. But before he could do anything, the door to the room creaked open, followed by thumping footsteps. 

"I see the prince has awoken."

The brunette couldn't care less about the man who entered the room, his attention was on the red head who had entered the room after him.

Dazai noticed the ginger biting his lip and clenching his hands, not daring to look at him.

He decided not to give a shout out to the ginger but instead asked the other, "And may I ask what you want with me?"

The other merely let out a deep laugh. 

"I see you've taken a liking to my assistant over here." The other pointed to the ginger but the brunette didn't respond, he waited for the other to continue. The brunette only watched as the other pulled the ginger towards him by a tight grip on the Ginger's arm. It wa obvious the ginger was trying to yank his hand back but to no avail.

Only by a sudden cough from the brunette did the other let go of the red head and smiled menacingly at Dazai.

"And I thought why don't I kidnap the prince and make a deal with Mori Ogai."

"If it's for money, my father won't give it." The brunette cut the other off confidently.

The other raised an amused brow, "What makes you think that?"

"I mean, my father has no time to deal with cowards like you who take advantage of others weaker than yourself."

The other felt a vein snap.

"I dare you say that again."

Instead of backing down, the brunette boldly mocked the other once again, "It'll be my pleasure to ensure that you will be executed in public for doing such a horrendous yet pitiful act. You must be that desperate for money."

Much to the other's shock, the brunette merely stood up, his legs no longer blinded for some odd reason. Dazai smirked as he showed his hands, free from the binds as well, his right hand holding onto his dagger as he approached the other, unafraid of the a man twinge his size. 

He gave his own menacing smile as he pointed the dagger at the other's face.

"I'll love to see the walls painted beautifully with you blood as well." The brunette's voice suddenly dropped as the temperature of the room suddenly decreased, making the room feel cold.

However, before anything happened, the brunette retracted his hand, putting the dagger back into it's original holder and took a few steps back.

"I've been watching you for a while now, Tanaka-san." Not only do you frequently steal money from markets, you do sinful acts to your sort called assistants, don't you? Kidnapping teenagers from their families for your own benefit sounds cruel doesn't it?" 

Seeing the widening of eyes, the brunette smirked.

As few second later, the door was slammed open, multiple guards entering the room.

"H-how...?" The other stuttered.

"Do you underestimate me that much. I took a tracker with me."

Out of desperation, Tanaka quickly yanked Chuuya in front of him, brandishing his own dagger and held it up to the Ginger's neck. Chuuya stared in shock, feeling the other's nails dig into his arm.

"I'll kill this boy if you step any closer!"

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