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"Yuan-sama, how's the ring going?"

The link haired girl turned to face a man, most likely in his late forties. She put on a smile as she turned to face the other fully.

"Everything's good. My partner took it, saying it looked gorgeous."

The other smiled back, hands rubbing against each other as he continued, "That's good to hear, I even made the spell stronger."

Yuan nodded in content, she gestured for her guard to give the man a sack.

The man recieved it gleefully.

"It was nice doing business with you.  2 million like you've promised?"

"Of course. I always keep my word."

The man bowed respectfully before hastily leaving with the sack of gold.

When the man finally left, the pink hair girl scoffed as she twirled a few locks of hair around her finger.

"What a naive man. Hope he enjoys carrying coal in his bag."

She went back inside, smiling.


The brunette was awake the whole night.

His hands now currently nuzzled in the ginger's hair as he yawned. He was tired but was more worried about the ginger.

The vine like markings on ring finger was still there.

He was thinking of how to cover the marks and maybe place another random red gem on the ring before Yuan comes.

The brunette felt that his eye lids were getting heavier as he grumbled a few reluctant words. He's going to doze off soon.

Just then,a knock made the brunette jerk awake.

"Dazai, are you awake? Wanted to inform you Yuan is sick so she won't be visting this week."

The brunette jumped in triumph mentally when he heard that. He had time to sort things out.

Deciding on not responding so the other would think he's out, the brunette closed his eyes, sighing softly to himself.

Much to himself, the door opened as the brunette's eyes shot open.

The raven haired peeked his head in, his eyes widened.

Mori entered the room, closing the door and locking it. He pointed at the ginger as he asked softly, "Who's this Dazai?"

The brunette stared blankly at the other before answering, "A friend."

"Don't lie to me." The raven hair massaged his temples. "I'm sure no 'friend' can enter your room and sleep in your room."

"He's a special friend." The brunette corrected himself.

The raven haired sighed.

"It's fine. Since you won't ask it, I will. What is a witch doing in your room Dazai?"

"How did you kno-"

The brunette was cut off with Mori approaching the brunette and squatting down, brushing a few ginger locks away from Chuuya's shut eyes.

"It seems this ginger has tried doing a difficult spell and used up majority of his soul power. What happened?"

The brunette hesitated but upon noticing his father's concerned face, he told the raven haired what happened. From Yuan to the ring and even about Chuuya drawing a chicken juggling balls with his own blood."

After all was explained, Mori nodded. He took Dazai's hand in his as he observed the ring.

"Seems that the main component of this ring has been broken. Not bad for a young witch like him."

"I won't be too happy yet. Blood was coming out of his eyes and mouth."

"That's a normal occurrence after using such a powerful spell."

"Will the ring come off?" The brunette glanced at the ring as he sighed.

"No, it won't...for now."

The raven haired let go of the brunette's hand before sitting down opposite of the other.

"There's actually two parts to this spell. Your friend here did the first part successfully. The second part however, has not been fulfilled."

"Can anything be done about it? I don't think Chuuya can do the second part any time soon."

"So his name is Chuuya?"

The brunette nodded. The raven haired smiled before continuing, "The second part is surprisingly easy."

The raven haired coughed awkwardly.

"It's been so long since I've done this. Hope it works."

The brunette raised a brow before he saw Mori muttered out a few words.

"Thou shall be alone by free will."

Dazai gasped when the ring broke apart in half and fell to the floor.

A scoff from the raven haired.

"Your old man still got it."

"You're a witch?"

Mori nodded, "Your mother was the one with the royal blood. I was her personal 'spell caster' at that time and I think you know what happened after."

The brunette nodded, processing everything that was transpired.

He let his hand glide through the ginger's locks.

"Will he wake up?"

Mori hummed as if thinking, "He most likely will. But I think that spell took a large toll on him so he might be unconscious for a few days."

The brunette nodded, sighing in relief.

After carrying Chuuya to his bed and pulling the covers over him, the brunette glanced over at his father, who was also looking at him.

"I'll handle Yuan. Take care of Chuuya-kun."

The brunette nodded.

Mori smiled one last time as he closed the brunette's door after leaving.

Dazai looked back at his ring finger. He grumbled when he still saw the vine like markings on his finger.

"Why is it still there? I thought the spell was completed."

The brunette sighed, it wasn't affecting him, so it'll be fine. Judging from everything that happened, it'll most likely disappear after a while.

Glancing back at the ginger on his bed, the brunette sighed, scratching the back of his head. He'll have to wait for the ginger to wake up.

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