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"Mori-san!" The brunette entered the hall but found none of the guards at their posts.

Raising a brow, the brunette took off his hood and fished out his dagger, cautiously walking up the stairs, making no sound.

In a swift action, the brunette stabbed one of the intruder's neck, knocking him to the ground.

The brunette warily went to his room, opening the door and immediately closing it and locking it.

He looked up and saw Mori in the middle of the room, Chuuya still unconscious in the bed.

"Dazai, are you okay?" The raven haired asked.

"I'm fine, you?"

"Barely made it. Most of our guards are done. I tried requesting backup from the guards at tasks but was stopped by the intruders. Seemed like Yuan's guards."

"I found the poison Yuan's kingdom use."

The brunette gave the poison to the other who received it ecstatically.

"Great! I can just use a spell to multiply it."

"You can multiply it?"

"I can but it takes a while. However, we only need enough for the both of us and maybe Chuuya if he wakes up."

"How much time do you need?"

"About 10 minutes."

"I can last that long. Do it now."

The brunette slowly opened the door as Mori started preparing the spell and poison.

Noticing no one, the brunette sighed, he'll have to keep watch and let no one enter until the spell is done. Closing the door and locking it, the brunette watched as Mori started the spell. Dazai started counting down from 10 minutes.

For the first 5 minutes, nothing happened but soon, the brunette heard thumping footsteps approaching the second level. The guards were most likely searching for Mori and him.

His grip tightening on the dagger, he heard the approaching footsteps. He sucked in a shallow breath when the door knob twisted frantically.

Mori tried to lower his voice as he continued the spell.

"This door's locked!"

The brunette stepped a few steps backwards.

"Leave it, we'll break it down later. Search for the king and prince."

The brunette sighed in relief. He glanced at Mori who gave him a gesture that he was almost done.

However, the brunette's heart dropped when someone continued to fiddle with the door knob. Hearing the rest of the footsteps receding. The brunette exhaled softly as he quickly unlocked the door, pulling the one outside into the room.

Clamping his hand over the other's mouth, he placed the dagger at the other's neck, ready to slash.

However, seeing a familiar silver haired, the brunette removed his dagger asking, "Shirace, what are you doing here?"

"I followed you here."

The brunette massaged the bridge of is nose.

"You know that can sentence you to death right?"

"I know...I know...Just that I felt something was wrong and not in place. And excuse me, I helped knock out a few intruders along the way."

"How many?"


 "That helps. I predict there's about 15 guards only. I killed one and you knocked out 4 so we're left with 10."

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