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The ginger, cross legged on the floor, flipped through the pages in his notebook of spells, revising through them.

The brunette sitting beside him, looking worriedly at the other. Maybe he should really stop the ginger. But no, Chuuya wanted to do it himself. He won't be able to stop the other once the red head has decided on something.

The ginger's sudden voice brought him back to reality, breaking his trail of thoughts.

"I'm ready."

The brunette questioned him again, "Are you sure you want to do this? There's always other options."

"No, I can do this..."

The brunette took out a paper from his bag, the ends a bi burned.

He dragged his dagger across his index finger and used his blood to draw a symbol of the paper.

"Is that a chicken juggling a ball?" The brunette snickered as the ginger rolled his eyes before retorting, "It's a spell circle you asshole."

Once done drawing finished the 'chicken juggling a ball', the ginger explained, "Put your hand in the circle and in no situation do you remove that hand."


"You can't remove your hand off the circle until I'm done with the spell or you'll kill us both."

The brunette nodded, noticing the serious look on the ginger's face.

By now, Chuuya's finger had stopped bleeding so he positioned the dagger at a specific angle, inhaling deeply before swiftly pulling across his wrist. Blood spurted out as the ginger winced.. The brunette, concern plastered on his face, hesitantly placing his hand on the circle, still feeling some slight dampness from the blood.

Holding his hand above the brunette's, the ginger let the blood from his new wound drip from his wrist, his hand shaking slightly from the stinging pain.

"Thou shall be free from the grasps of selfishness and possessiveness."

To the brunette's shock, the blood dripping onto his hand started to float upwards, towards the ginger's hand again.

Blue light luminated each drop of blood as the ginger closed his eyes, focusing.

Dazai sighed to himself, not wanting to disturb the other. How much trouble Yuan got them into.

The brunette winced slightly when he felt prickling pain on his finger. He glanced to his finger only to see the finger with the horrendous ring on it had vine-like markings crawling up that single finger.

He sucked in a shallow breath when he saw blood dripping from the corners of the ginger's mouth. Despite that happening, the red head was still so focused, mumbling a few gibberish words as the drops of blood stayed in the air.

The brunette guessed it worked as the circle underneath his hand also started emitting bright blue light.

The brunette noticed the ring vibrating slightly, the prickling pain was gone for now as he watched the ring closely. His eyes narrowed when a crack formed on the red ruby gem on the top of the ring.

It might actually be working!

The ginger's mumbling came to an abrupt stop when a cough erupted from his throat. Thankfully nothing stopped, the drops of blood still in the air and the circle still emitting the mesmerising light.

The brunette contemplated checking on the ginger but he decided against it when the ginger continued his ritual.

More cracks formed on the gem as the brunette braced himself if the ring actually exploded in his face.

For a few more seconds of deafening silence, apart from the ginger doing his spells, the brunette's eyes widened when the ginger opened his eyes. His unmistakable sapphire blue irises were the only part of the ginger's eyes which was unchanged. The veins around his irises were blood red as the ginger strained his eyes in pain.

This was going a bit too far, the brunette was about to stop the ginger when Chuuya exclaimed.

"Don't take your hand off the circle!"

The brunette bit his lip as he sat back down, unable to do anything.

When he saw the blood dripping from the ginger's side of the eye, the brunette spoke up, "Chuuya, stop."

Where did the blood ever come from? Please don't say it's from his brain.

"Stop, Chuuya. That's enough."

However, to no avail, the red head turned a deaf ear to the brunette's demand and continued on.

Dazai only saw the ginger cough out a handful of blood before everything stopped as the ginger wavered for a few seconds before collapsing to the side.

The drops of blood fell to the ground, staining the carpeted floor as the circle underneath his hand stopped emitting light and instead the blood became black and disintegrated into the air, leaving only the paper left.

Not bothering about the ginger's warning, the brunette removed his hand from the paper, quickly lifting the ginger's head off the floor and onto his lap.

"Gosh...His life is at stake and yet he does it."

The brunette let his other hand thread through the ginger's silky locks.

"I'll have to thank him later for at least trying." The brunette mumbled to himself as he used his handkerchief to wipe the blood away from the ginger's mouth and eyes.

Noticing the ring still on his finger, the only thing that disappeared was the red gem that was initially on the ring.

The brunette sighed, he guessed it didn't work. It's fine, he'll find another way to get it off (Cut off Yuan's fingers) that does not have anything to do with harming people. (AKA Chuuya only)

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